Soren A: Kinetics of salicylates in blood and joint fluid. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 16:279-286, 1979SOREN, A. ( 1979 ). Kinetics of salicylates in blood and joint fluid . Eur. J. clin. Pharmac. , 16 , 279 – 295 .A. Soren, "Kinetics of salicylates in blood and joint fluid," ...
The ulcers recurred in all patients, despite evidence of achlorhydria in two of them. Although the patients denied the use of salicylates, all of them had therapeutic blood levels of salicylates. A salicylate level should be determined in patients with severe ulcer disease that is resistant to ...
Chloride LevelDrug overdose Two patients [ ages and sexes not stated ] were admitted with apparent salicylate overdose [ specific drugs, dosages and time to reaction onsets not stated ]. Serum electrolyte and blood gas results in both patients suggested acute respiratory alkalosis and metabolic ...
50mg/kg in 500mL D5W over 4 hours 100 mg/kg in 1L D5W over 16 hours Non-acute ingestions Hepatotoxicity is rare Usually seen in pediatric population Poor label-reading Mom & Dad… Case Examples Acute ingestion 4-hour level 155mcg/mL ...
Eisen V, Loveday C. Effects of salicylates on blood changes in mycoplasma arthritis in rats. Br J Pharmacol. 1973 Feb; 47 (2):272–281.EISEN, V. & LOVEDAY, C. (1973). Effects of salicylates on blood changes in mycoplasma arthritis in rats. Br. J. Pharmac., 47, 272-281....
FIELD: medicine.;SUBSTANCE: for quantitative determination of acetylsalicylic acid and its main salicylic acid metabolite in human plasma, liquid-liquid extraction of salicylates from the blood plasma is performed with subsequent derivatisation by silylating agent N-methyl-N-tret-butyldimethylsilyl-tri...
The effect of oral administration of para-aminobenzoic acid on the concentration of salicylates in the blood: Preliminary report Dry, T. J., Butt, H. R., and Scheifley, C. H.: Proc. Staff. Meet., Mayo Clin. 21:497 (Dec. 24), 1946...