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Marine water Marine water - intermittent Sewage treatment plant Fresh water sediment Marine sediment Value 20 µg/l 2 µg/l 200 µg/l 140 mg/l 0,33 mg/kg 0,033 mg/kg 0,35 mg/kg 9,33 mg/kg food 20,6 µg/l 6,1 µg/l 100 µg/l 117,8 mg/kg dry ...
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2016;60:897–908. 28. Kirpich IA, Feng W, Wang Y, Liu Y, Barker DF, Barve SS, McClain CJ. The type of dietary fat modulates intestinal tight junction integrity, gut perme‑ ability, and hepatic toll-like receptor expression in a mouse model of alcoholic liver ...