SalicaceaeFourteen galls are known at present; they are caused mostly by aphids, mites and gall midges; one Pontania gall is also known. All the galls are restricted to the Sub-Himalayan and Himalayan areas.doi:10.1007/978-1-349-02545-9_71M. S. Mani...
he divided the Salicaceae into three genera,Populus, Chosenia, andSalix. WithinSalix, Skvortsov recognized three subgenera:Salix, Chamaetia, andVetrix. He also suggested that the subgeneraUrbanianaandLongifoliaecould be recognized, but
Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such...
doi:10.1007/s12225-022-10026-3Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, IsauLuza-Vitorio, MiguelSánchez Condori, Mario V.Arque, Wilfredo HuamanApaza, Elias PazBaon Sanchez, Jesús M.Galicia, Wilmer PerézSolis, Nidia SanchezEstrada, Madeleine MéndezSpringer LondonKew Bulletin...
Salicaceae is a willow family and the members include willows, poplar, aspen, and cottonwoods. They grow along any stream, lake or mountain meadow. This family comprises bushes and trees with simple and alternate leaves. Plants of this family have medicinal importance as analgesic, anti-...
A key to the fourCaseariaspecies of the Upper Guinea region of West Africa is presented.F. J. BretelerFormerly Herbarium Vadense now Grintweg 303 NL6704 AR Wageningen The NetherlandsA. BaldéCentre de Formation de Nzérékoré Nzérékoré GuineaSpringer LondonKew Bulletin...
鈥 This paper presents a review of the ontogeny of 11 lifeforms using the example of 16 boreal species of Salix relating to two ecological groups (alluvial and nonalluvial). At the intraspecific level, among the studied species, the greatest diversity of lifeforms is detected in alluvial ...
Prostrate stem partially underground, forming loose, flattened mats. Aerial twigs few, short (up to 5 cm above the soil surface), shining dark brown or reddish. Leaves...doi:10.1007/978-3-030-53976-4_41Fritz Hans SchweingruberMiroslav DvorskAnnett BrnerJií Doleal...
Springer-VerlagPlant Systematics & EvolutionTollsten, L. & Knudsen, J.T. ( 1992 ) Floral scent in dioecious Salix (Salicaceae) – a cue determining the pollination system? Plant Systematics and Evolution 182 , 229 – 237 .Tollsten L. , Knudsen JT . 1992 . Floral scent in dioecious ...
distributionregional findingspestsSalixPopulusSiberiaThis paper provides an overview of the leaf-mining insect community feeding on willows (Salix spp.) and poplars (Populus spp.) in Siberia. According to published data and our own observations, 50 leaf-mining insect species (i.e., 24 species of...