Certified Salesforce Admins can prove to potential employers that they're experts at things like automating business processes, creating dashboards, and training others to use Salesforce. Start Prepping +36,700 points TrailmixSalesforce Trailhead ...
其次,使用在线学习平台Trailhead完善知识储备。查看相关的Trailhead模块,这些模块可帮助你了解Salesforce功能,并通过实时获取反馈来测试自己的水平。此外,你还可以在Trailhead Playground中测试这些功能,了解它们的局限性。再次,为了获得实践经验,建议在Trailhead上完成Admin初级和中级路线, Admin Certification Trail和Admin...
As someone who started as a self-taught admin before Trailhead existed, I can attest to the impact of formal certification. Before certification, I lacked awareness of many features and best practices, which could have led to significant issues. Thankfully, my certification journey equipped me wit...
查看相关的Trailhead模块,这些模块可帮助你了解Salesforce功能,并通过实时获取反馈来测试自己的水平。此外,你还可以在Trailhead Playground中测试这些功能,了解它们的局限性。 再次,为了获得实践经验,建议在Trailhead上完成Admin初级和中级路线, Admin Certification Trail和Admin Certification Trailmix等。这些内容由Salesforce专...
再次,为了获得实践经验,建议在Trailhead上完成Admin初级和中级路线, Admin Certification Trail和Admin Certification Trailmix等。这些内容由Salesforce专门设计,指导备考者完成考试中最重要的主题。 最后,备考者应该熟悉考试结构。自由侠部落的管理员认证题库提供了全真试题模拟,帮助备考者查漏补缺,提前体验考场氛围。
All About Trailhead, Salesforce’s Free Online Learning Platform AndyBergman April 2, 2024 Learn in-demand skills, earn resume-worthy credentials, and connect with others to get product support, and grow your professional network. Salesforce Culture ...
Reference:https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/academy/classes/adm201-administration-essentials-for-new-admins/ Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions that are to be answered within 90 minutes. ADM-201 exam covers a wide range of topics, including Salesforce...
Reference: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/academy/classes/adm201-administration-essentials-for-new-admins/ Who Is Salesforce Administrator Certification Intended for? The Salesforce Administrator certificate is designed for those already familiar with Salesforce products and who want to help their ...
developer centers heroku mulesoft tableau commerce cloud lightning design system einstein quip popular resources documentation component library apis trailhead sample apps podcasts appexchange community trailblazer community events and calendar partner community blog salesforce admins salesforce architects ...
Salesforce AI アソシエート候補者は、知識は基礎レベルではあるものの、Salesforce AI のコンテキストに沿って、これらの概念について自力で解説して適用できることが求められます。また、AI の基礎的、倫理的な考慮事項、そして Salesforce モジュール、データ管理...