Salesforce 中的用户操作 点击查看按城市排序的供应商记录列表视图的第二页。 SOQL 查询 SELECT City__c,CompanyName__c FROM Suppliers__x ORDER BY City__c ASC OFFSET 25 Note: Unlike with SQL, the LIKE operator in SOQL performs a case-insensitive match. NUMBER_OUTSIDE_VALID_RANGE: Maximum SOQL ...
display records by branch location before you start use the soql operator in scoping rule record criteria create a branch management scoping rule using the tooling api retrieve and update information create a branch management scoping rule using the metadata api create a wealth...
Salesforce, the #1 AI CRM, enables companies to connect with customers through a unified Einstein 1 platform that combines CRM, AI, Data, and Trust.
operator:'ne', value:'Other'}, { fieldPath:'Type', operator:'eq', value:'Prospect'} ], filterLogic:'1 OR 2', } } 上面的代码主要实现的是搜索记录时,要求记录还需要满足 AccountSource不等于Other或者Type等于Prospect。除此以外,我们看到operator的值有点怪,ne和eq,这些代表什么呢? 2. Display:...
async soql usage with async soql, you can filter on any field in loginasevent and use any comparison operator in your query. example: get yesterday's loginas events where an org admin is logging into the portal as another user. select delegatedusername, delegatedorganization...
(soql); } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * 回写成功日志 * * @param id */ public static void markFinishedById(String id) { try { SynLog__c synLog = new SynLog__c(); synLog.setId(id); //设置处理时间 Date date = new Date(); ...
We can use SOQL in the Triggers and the classes. We cannot use Triggers but can in classes. We can perform a DML operation on SQL query results. We cannot perform DML operations on search results.104. What is Future Annotation(@Future)?Use the future annotation to specify that these met...
If query is not specified, all the data of the Salesforce object specified in ObjectApiName/reportId in dataset will be retrieved. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the query value.soqlQuery public Object soqlQuery() Get the soqlQuery property: Deprecating, please ...
139、【SOQL中使用聚合函数返回结果过滤数据】:HAVING HAVING is an optional clause that can be used in a SOQL query to filter results that aggregate functions return.注意:如果聚合函数返回结果很多,需要使用LIMIT 2000加以限制。 salesforce的功能_salesforce开发 ...
fans of the Developer Console, and rightly so, considering the type of development work they do on a daily basis. But for me, opening the Developer Console and searching for some records with a SOQL query and then manipulating them, I felt like Neo in the first Matrix before he unplugged...