SOQL是支持我们与Salesforce数据库交互的查询语言。开发人员在编写Apex时通常会使用到SOQL,此外,它还允许管理员和开发人员从组织内部检索数据并在导出结果时生成强大的数据报告。 SOQL 查询对于编写代码的开发人员,以及通过使用子句扩展查询功能的管理员来说都是一个强大的工具,可以将一些复杂的数据操作转变为一项简单的任...
Salesforce Object Query Language (not to be confused with SQL) – or SOQL (commonly pronounced sock-el or soak-el) – is the query language that powers our interactions with the Salesforce database. While it is commonly used by developers when writing Apex, its uses go far beyond that, ...
soql query is the equivalent of a select sql statement and searches the org database. sosl is a programmatic way of performing a text-based search against the search index. whether you use soql or sosl depends on whether you know which objects or fields you want to search, plus othe...
Through this blog, learn about SOQL, a query language used to retrieve data from the Salesforce database, designed specifically for querying Salesforce objects and their fields.
soql and sosl queries soql and sosl queries you can evaluate salesforce object query language (soql) or salesforce object search language (sosl) statements on-the-fly in apex by surrounding the statement in square brackets. soql statements soql statements evaluate to a list of sobjects, a ...
Change the “Type” to “SOQL” Give the relationship an alias. Be sure it is unique and does not match the naming convention of any existing objects or fields in your Salesforce Org. Paste the SOQL Query in the “SOQL” box For custom objects, be sure to append __r at the end for...
In early 2013, I found myself with some downtime and used it to explore the IntelliJ IDEA plugin SDK, specifically the notion of custom language plugins. Salesforce does not currently publish grammars or language specifications for Apex, SOQL, SOSL, or their presentation tier expression languages...
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