Spring '21 (API version 51.0) Winter '21 (API version 50.0) Summer '20 (API version 49.0) Spring '20 (API version 48.0) Winter '20 (API version 47.0) Summer '19 (API version 46.0) Spring '19 (API version 45.0) Winter '19 (API version 44.0) ...
(api version 34.0) spring '15 (api version 33.0) winter '15 (api version 32.0) はじめに参照 データモデル标准オブジェクト カスタムオブジェクト基本となる api コール记述用の api コール (describe) ユーティリティ api コール soap ヘッダー allornoneheader allowfieldtruncationh...
salesforce SOAP API 艾福杰尼 不断学习为了财富自由注册salesforce developer edtion,使用单独的个人环境来测试,避免对项目生产数据产生影响。没有的可以在下面链接注册一个。 https://developer.salesforce.com/signupdeveloper.salesforce.com/signup
In this sample, I have used SOAP API so it required to have a Function App for the conversion of XML to JSON. Salesforce Rest API based connectors are available in Logic app which requires no coding or conversion. Scenario A sales representative creates an “opportunity” in t...
最近在集成项目项目中遇到一个问题:在用最新版本(API 32.0)Enterprise WSDL在.Net 中做集成时,初始化SforceService 时会初始化类错误。这算是Salesforce 在新版本SOAP API 中的一个BUG ,在以前版本没有这个问题,需要大家注意下。 具体错误信息如下:
7.使用force-wsc-38.04.jar以及生成的myproject.jar实现java通过soap api方式访问sfdc,使用soap api访问有很多限制,比如一次insert或者upsert不能超过200等,这里举例登录以及批量添加功能。 限制详情:https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.204.0.salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet.meta/salesforce_app_limi...
SOAP API Support Policy Salesforce recommends that your new client applications use the most recent version of the Lightning Platform WSDL file to fully exploit the benefits of richer features and greater efficiency. You can navigate to the most recent WSDL for your organization from Setup by enter...
SOAP API Support Policy Salesforce recommends that your new client applications use the most recent version of the Lightning Platform WSDL file to fully exploit the benefits of richer features and greater efficiency. You can navigate to the most recent WSDL for your organization from Setup by enter...
xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>2<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"fqn="myTestVariable">3<apiVersion>46.0</apiVersion>4<isExposed>true</isExposed>5<targets>6<target>lightning__AppPage</target>7<target>lightning__HomePage</target>8<target>lightning...
xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>2<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"fqn="myComponentWithRecord">3<apiVersion>46.0</apiVersion>4<isExposed>true</isExposed>5<targets>6<target>lightning__RecordPage</target>7</targets>8<targetConfigs>9<targetConfig ...