The majority of report types allow Cross Filters, but occasionally, the options are greyed out. Usually, this means that your organization has the option disabled (if you are using Group or Professional Edition). Make sure you can see the “Add Cross Filter” action by going to the Filters ...
5) Tabular/Summary/Matrix转换成Join: 已经存在的report将会变成join report的第一块,report type将会变成principle report type。如果报表中使用了以下的内容,则没法转换成Join Report: Bucket Fields / Cross Filters / The rows to display filter。 3. Report Folder 我们创建的report,有时作为所有人都可以看的...
5) Tabular/Summary/Matrix转换成Join: 已经存在的report将会变成join report的第一块,report type将会变成principle report type。如果报表中使用了以下的内容,则没法转换成Join Report: Bucket Fields / Cross Filters / The rows to display filter。 3. Report Folder 我们创建的report,有时作为所有人都可以看的...
5) Tabular/Summary/Matrix轉換成Join: 已經存在的report將會變成join report的第一塊,report type將會變成principle report type。如果報表中使用了以下的內容,則沒法轉換成Join Report: Bucket Fields / Cross Filters / The rows to display filter。 3. Report Folder 我們建立的report,有時作為所有人都可以看的...
details about the chart used in a report. crossfilters cross filter [] cross filters applied to the report. customdetailformula custom detail formula [] an array of objects that describes row-level formulas. customsummaryformula custom summary formula describes a custom sum...
READ MORE:What are Cross Filters in Salesforce Reports? Filter Report Types by Available Fields Similar to the previous feature, this is going to be a huge time saver when building a report, especially if you’re looking to capture certain fields. This feature supports fields from different ob...
Yesterday, 5:30 AM Unfortunately I'm not sure if that is going to be possible, even with a Report Cross-Filter. Mark as helpful Write an answer... Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough Bulleted List Numbered List Add link Code block Insert image Attach files 0/9000 Reply...
Working with report filters Field filter The Filter Logic Hands-on exercise for using the Filter Logic The Cross Filter Hands-on exercise for using the Cross Filter Hands-on exercise for creating more scenarios using the Cross Filter (1) Hands-on exercise for creating more scenarios using the ...
(such as range), filtering by row limit, and cross filters are unavailable. before you filter a report, it’s helpful to check the following filter values in the metadata. the reporttypecolumn.getfilterable method tells you whether a field can be filtered. the reporttypecolumn.filterv...
But what about CSS or JavaScript contexts? You can't use the HTML-escape filter; a different escaping method is necessary. If the filter doesn't match the context, it's possible for browsers to misinterpret the result, which can lead to XSS attacks!