Platform Developer I认证考试是面向Salesforce平台工作者的基础考试。如果你想成为Salesforce开发人员,这是一项关键考试。而且通过准备此考试获得的知识框架对所有角色都有好处,包括管理员、架构师、业务分析师、产品所有者和项目经理。初级开发考试指南指出,备考者最好有1到2年的开发经验和至少6个月的Lightning平台经验...
Integrate with anything using powerful APIs Stay protected with enterprise-grade security Customize UI with clicks or any leading-edge web framework Sign up for your Salesforce Developer Edition A Salesforce Platform environment for free. Complete the form to get access to the Salesforce Developer Ed...
Platform Developer I认证考试是面向Salesforce平台工作者的基础考试。如果你想成为Salesforce开发人员,这是一项关键考试。而且通过准备此考试获得的知识框架对所有角色都有好处,包括管理员、架构师、业务分析师、产品所有者和项目经理。 初级开发考试指南指出,备考者最好有1到2年的开发经验和至少6个月的Lightning平台经验。
2020年6月3日,易拓柳老师为了更准确的了解最近的Salesforce动态,跑去考Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I的认证,并为大家总结了Platform Developer Ⅰ 认证考试心得: 考前介绍:认证备考计划:1,按…
salesforce里面有很多的职位,每个人的情况不一样,选择学的东西也不一样。salesforce里面一共有22个认证,然后,如果你英语好的话,你可以通过trailhead去学习,里面的资料真的是太丰富了。而我选择学习的是salesforce的平台初级开发 Platform Developer 1 ,他分为以下几个模块来学习 ...
original series, events, support, and more. developers developers home blog documentation apis discover developer centers agentforce platform commerce cloud data cloud marketing cloud service cloud view all salesforce platform apex lightning web components salesforce flow develo...
书名: Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification Guide作者名: Jan Vandevelde Gunther Roskams本章字数: 618字更新时间: 2021-08-20 10:02:10 Leads The lead object is mostly used for individuals and/or companies that have been identified as potential customers but have not been qualified yet. ...
Salesforce Platform Developer I 概述 吸取platform app builder学习笔记的教训,在简书没有修改对于收费文章的准入门槛之前,直接用英语做复习笔记,提高备考效率。部分个人心得可能会用中文。 SALESFORCE FUNDAMENTALS (10%) Describe the considerations when developing in a multi-tenant environment....
The Salesforce Platform unifies Data, AI, CRM, Development, and Security into a single, comprehensive platform. Learn more about Salesforce’s application development platform.