通过上图自定义Matching Rule我们可以看到Matching Criteria有三列,这三列的含义如下: Field: 用来指定哪个字段用来做比较,支持的比较类型包括email, lookup relationship, master-detail relationship, number, phone, standard picklists, custom picklists (single-select only), text, and URL。 Matching Method: ...
FieldID:字段ID,对象内唯一 FieldName:字段名称,就是通常意义的数据表字段名,如Age、Gender等 DataType:字段类型,Salesforce支持的数据类型非常丰富,如:text, number, date, date/time, picklist(enum), auto-number, sequence, boolean, email, URI…… Rule:字段校验规则,对于整数类型,可以定义其最小最大值;...
1publicwithsharingclassSOSLController{23publicclassRetrieveWrapper{4//keyword:used to retrieve this5publicString retrieveKeyword{get;set;}6//search group: values :(ALL FIELDS/EMAIL FIELDS/NAME FIELDS/PHONE FIELDS/SIDEBAR FIELDS)7publicString searchGroup{get;set;}8//obj api name -> field eg: acco...
Phone Number A phone number can be a valuable piece of contact information, but it can also push people away from filling out your form. Only include a phone number field on your lead capture form if you state exactly why you’ll be calling them, or if they’re specifically interested in...
Map the User ID spreadsheet field to the User ID field in Data Loader, and map the phone number column toTWILIO_PERSONAL_NUMBER__C: Expand image Set your log folder so that you can view debug logs if necessary. This is typically the same folder as your data source. ...
商品が整理されるカテゴリを表します。このオブジェクトは、API バージョン 49.0 以降で使用できます。
service back service humans with ai agents drive effortless service. see all service solutions customer service management field service self-service experience omnichannel customer engagement customer service automation & process intelligent service operations customer service ai contact center voice & phone ...
External Field Name externalFieldName string External Field Name ID id string ID Job Type jobType string Job Type Line Ending lineEnding string Line Ending Object object string Object Operation operation string Operation Retries retries number Retries State state string State systemModStamp...
External Field Name externalFieldName string External Field Name ID id string ID Job Type jobType string Job Type Line Ending lineEnding string Line Ending Object object string Object Operation operation string Operation Retries retries number Retries State state string State systemModStamp...