在预览窗格中,单击Opportunity Owner(业务机会所有人)列标题旁边的箭头,然后选择Group Rows by This Field(按此字段分组行)。 单击Filters(筛选)窗格。 确保Close Date(结束日期)设置为Current FQ(当前会计季度)。 单击Opportunity Status(业务机会状态),选择Open(未处理),然后单击Apply(...
选择Report Type 这里选择上面创建的Account & utilization数据集,然后点击Continue,进入Report的创建界面 Columns: 点击左侧的Fields,可以看到所有可选择的字段,但是在我们的实际需求中,可能Report中只需要展示部分字段,那么将需要展示的字段添加到Columns字段下,添加的方法很简单,1)在左侧选中字段后拖拽到Columns下面;2)在...
当对lead进行打分以及不断的孵化以后,优质lead会转成 Account & Contact & Opportunity。 背景: Lead / Contact / Opportunity 都创建了自定义的Picklist字段 Primary,包含的值为True以及false。并且做了Convert的field mapping。 后来需求变化,Opportunity的Primary字段变成了Checkbox类型,并且UI上来看,Map Lead Fields区...
type length precision scale competitor name competitorname combobox 40 created by createdbyid reference 15 created date createddate datetime deleted isdeleted boolean last modified by lastmodifiedbyid reference 15 last modified date lastmodifieddate datetime opportunity opportunityid ref...
opportunitystage opportunitystage represents the stage of an opportunity in the sales pipeline, such as new lead, negotiating, pending, closed, and so on. fields field label api field name type length precision scale closed isclosed boolean created by createdbyid reference 15 ...
在Lightning Experience中,可以给记录页面加上路径(Path),便于销售能更直观的看到目前的潜客或业务机会处在哪个阶段,并进行跟进。 Path中可以给每个阶段加关键字段(Key Fields)和成功指南(Guidance for Success)。 但是由于Lead和Opportunity有标准的阶段:Convert、Close Lost、Close Won。每个自定义阶段都能成... ...
从设置中打开Object Manager(对象管理器)并单击Opportunity(业务机会)。 在左侧边栏,单击Fields & Relationships(字段和关系)。 单击New(新建)。 选择Formula(公式),然后单击Next(下一步)。 在Field Label(字段标签)中键入My Formula Field(我的公式字段)。注意Field Name(字段名称)会自动填充。
来自线索字段的信息,将转移到相应的客户、联系人和商机字段中。(Button or link that allows you to change a qualified lead into an account, contact, and, optionally, an opportunity. Information from the lead fields is transferred into the appropriate account, contact, and opportunity fields.)...
例如,商机的历史阶段相关列表,或工单的正在打开状态的相关活动列表。(A section of a record or other detail page that lists items related to that record. For example, the Stage History related list of an opportunity or the Open Activities related list of a case.)...
Just like you can add sections and position fields on a Salesforce page layout, custom report types open up the opportunity for you to make the Lightning Report Builder suit your users better. From theEdit Layoutpage, you can control exactly how the fields and sections display when a user ...