1 ObjectA__c objA = new ObjectA__c(); 2 objA.Name = "TestA"; 3 insert 阅读全文 posted @ 2017-11-15 20:13 夏晚阅读(307) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Salesforce的TestClass 摘要:虽然Salesforce从业人员应该尽量使用标准功能来实现需求,但仍不可避免的要用到代码。 标准功能的话,Salesforce...
"account", "keyprefix" : "001", "custom" : false, ... "urls" : { "uiedittemplate" : "https:// mydomainname .my.salesforce.com/{id}/e", "sobject" : "/services/data/v59.0/sobjects/account", "uidetailtemplate" : "https:// mydomainname .my.salesforce.com/{id}", ...
-p, --plan Generate multiple sObject tree files and a plan definition file for aggregated import. -q, --query=<value>... (required) SOQL query, or filepath of a file that contains the query, to retrieve records. -x, --prefix=<value> Prefix of generated files. --api-version=<...
securitypolicy tenantsecuritypolicydeployment tenantsecuritypolicyselectedtenant tenantsecurityreportanomaly tenantsecuritysessionhijacking tenantsecuritytransactionpolicytrend tenantsecuritytrustediprangetrend tenantsecurityuseractivity tenantsecurityuserperm territory territorymgmtobjectconfig territo...
Key PrefixObject TypeNotes 000 EmptyKey Ref 001 Account 002 Note Doc 003 Contact 005 User 006 Opportunity 007 Activity 008 OpportunityHistory 00A FORECAST_ITEM 00B ListView 00C DeleteEvent /DELETE_EVENT 00D Organization 00E UserRole 00F QUEUE - TDC 00G Group 00I Partner Als...
-p, --plan Generate multiple sObject tree files and a plan definition file for aggregated import. -q, --query=<value> (required) SOQL query, or filepath of a file that contains the query, to retrieve records. -x, --prefix=<value> Prefix of generated files. --api-version=<value> ...
He creates a parameters object with the details of his search query. He wants to search for dresses, with the maximum of 5 results returned. constparameters={q:'dress',limit:5} Copy He uses theproductSearchmethod to make the call.
public class Sim_NewTaskController { //private Task taskObjectParent; public Task taskObjectParent{get;set;} private Task tempTask; public String whoId{get;set;} public String whatId{get;set;} public String recordId{get;set;} public String retURL{get;set;} private String close; // these...
// Compare a string to an object containing a number Integer obj1 = 100; Boolean result2 = str.equals(obj1); System.assertEquals(false, result2); // Compare a string to an ID of the same length. // 15-character ID Id id = '001D000000Ju1zH'; ...
[06/09/2023] A smaller version of "ULIP - ShapeNet Triplets" are released at [here](https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/sfr-ulip-code-release-research/shapenet-55?pageState=(%22StorageObjectListTable%22:(%22f%22:%22%255B%255D%22))&prefix=&forceOnObjectsSortingFiltering=false...