What is Marketing Cloud? Marketing Cloud is a complete marketing platform designed to help you personalize every moment of engagement across the customer lifecycle. By connecting every department through actionable data and agents, we empower teams to work together to build lasting customer relationships...
Make the most of your Marketing Cloud technology investment with these tips, tricks, and strategies from users and thought leaders in marketing.
SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset クラス リファレンス フィードバック 定義 名前空間: Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models アセンブリ: Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.dll パッケージ: Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory v8.0.0 Salesforce Marketing Cloud ...
使用Salesforce Marketing Cloud Request 節點可連接至 Salesforce Marketing Cloud ,並發出要求以對物件 (例如資產、行銷活動、聯絡人、事件定義、旅程及位置) 執行動作。
Namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.DataFactory.Models Assembly: Azure.ResourceManager.DataFactory.dll Package: Azure.ResourceManager.DataFactory v1.6.0 Source: SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset.cs The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). C# 複製 public ...
Marketing Cloud认证 Marketing Cloud管理员认证刚正式发布一年,一经发布,许多学习者就跃跃欲试将其列入考试计划中。作为针对具有3到6个月经验的专业人员的认证,它和已存在多年的Marketing Cloud电子邮件专家认证,都是Marketing Cloud认证之路上的入门级考试。
azure.synapse.artifacts.models._models_py3.Dataset SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset 建構函式Python 複製 SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Dict[str, MutableMapping[str, Any]] | None = None...
Salesforce Marketing Cloud dataset. Extends Dataset Properties Expand table tableName The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). type Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be Inherited Properties Expand table annotations List of ...
Marketing Cloud Connect可以轻松地将Salesforce CRM中的客户数据连接到Marketing Cloud。想象一下,你能够在营销,销售和服务之间创造无缝的客户体验。你可以创建每个客户的360度视图,并在与客户生命周期的每次交互中发送自定义消息。最重要的是你可以从整个Salesforce客户成功平台收集数据,并立即自动执行。
Marketing Cloud Theme: Use Fuel UX 3 and Bootstrap 3 to create a user interface with the look & feel of existing Salesforce Marketing Cloud applications. View the latest at journey-builder-custom-hello-worldPublic archive Demonstrative app to show the start-to-end flow of custom interactions ...