Salesforce 保存取消 用户名 密码 记住我 忘记了密码?试用自定义域 不是客户? 免费试用
4.6 Telephony log information If you use certain features of our services on a mobile device, we may also collect telephony log information (like phone numbers, time and date of calls, duration of calls, SMS routing information and types of calls), device event information (such as crashes, ...
If you use and interact with our products and servicesInformation about your device and your usage of our services through log files and other technologies, some of which may qualify as Personal Data (including Usage Data) (please see Section 4 below) ...
Salesforce 领先的 CRM 平台,涵盖销售云、服务云和平台云,以及中国专属功能互连网关现已正式发布,它们在中国均托管在阿里云上。 借助互联网关满足本地市场需求。 扩展阿里云上的 Salesforce 的功能。 互联网关是一套专为中国地区提供的产品和集成功能,可以将阿里云上的 Salesforce 与本地应用、渠道和服务深度关联起来...
log cases, find documentation, and more – all the support you need, wherever you need it. visit the help center known issues developer documentation communities back communities meet people, learn skills, find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining salesfor...
Execute a SOQL query and Get records actions are based on 'Query' API. Therefore, not all records may be returned due to API limitations (e.g. deleted items). If facing any issue with data getting set to default value using Update record (V3), this is due to header "sforce-auto-ass...
Log in using your Custom App::For logging in and authorizing using a custom app you need to follow through with the following steps: a. Use Custom App b. Consumer Key c. Consumer Secret d. Environment e. Callback URL Steps to get the details required to be filled in the above form:...
The ODBC Driver used to access Salesforce requires a Salesforce account based on the Developer Edition, Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition, or Unlimited Edition. To use this driver, you must have API access enabled. For more information, seeControl Individual API Client Access to ...
Tip:If you are already logged in to Salesforce in the same browser window asApp Connect Enterprise as a Service, App Connect offers that Salesforce account as the default choice to connect to. To connect to a different Salesforce account, you can select theLog In wit...
search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. visit the help center questions? we can help. find critical answers for all things salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. visit the help center company company our values our values we are guided ...