SalesforceLicenseLimitExceeded: 由于用户没有可用的许可证,无法在目标应用程序中创建该用户。 为目标应用程序购买其他许可证,或查看用户分配和属性映射配置,以确保为正确的用户分配正确的属性。 SalesforceDuplicateUserName: 无法预配用户,因为它的 'Username' 在其他 租户中重复。 在...
SalesforceLicenseLimitExceeded:由于用户没有可用的许可证,无法在目标应用程序中创建该用户。 为目标应用程序购买其他许可证,或查看用户分配和属性映射配置,以确保为正确的用户分配正确的属性。 SalesforceDuplicateUserName:无法预配用户,因为它的 'Username' 在其他 租户中重复。 ...
( status . equals ( 'license_limit_exceeded' ) ) { exceptiontext = 'you tried to assign more licenses than available. ' + ' you tried to create ' + firstupls . size ( ) + ' licenses but only have ' + ( pl . allowedlicenses - pl . usedlicenses ) +...
( status . equals ( 'license_limit_exceeded' ) ) { exceptiontext = 'you tried to assign more licenses than available. ' + ' you tried to create ' + firstupls . size ( ) + ' licenses but only have ' + ( pl . allowedlicenses - pl . usedlicenses ) ...
SalesforceLicenseLimitExceeded: De gebruiker kan niet worden gemaakt in de doeltoepassing omdat er geen licenties beschikbaar zijn voor deze gebruiker. Koop extra licenties voor de doeltoepassing of controleer uw gebruikerstoewijzingen en kenmerktoewijzingsconfiguratie om ervoor te zorgen dat de ...
SalesforceLicenseLimitExceeded: De gebruiker kan niet worden gemaakt in de doeltoepassing omdat er geen licenties beschikbaar zijn voor deze gebruiker. Koop extra licenties voor de doeltoepassing of controleer uw gebruikerstoewijzingen en kenmerktoewijzingsconfiguratie om ervoor te zorgen dat de ...
Salesforce Data: Cut Costs and Boost ComplianceandSalesforce Storage Limit Exceeded. API calls limits are also beyond the scope of this article, but be aware that a daily API call limit exists. The limit varies based on your organization type and license. You can check the Salesforce API li...
Has a Chatter Free license: a free license you can assign to users who only need access to Chatter (not a proper license to manage lead or opportunity lifecycles) How to solve it: Investigate which inactive/inadequate users the prospects were being assigned to. Which automation caused this, ...
// Avoid duplicates Set<Id> assignedUserIds = new Set<Id>(); PermissionSetLicense psl = [select Id, (select AssigneeId from PermissionSetLicenseAssignments) from PermissionSetLicense where MasterLabel = 'Data Mask User' limit 1]; for (PermissionSetLicenseAssign psla : psl.PermissionSetLicenseAs...
License Usages Workflows v/s Triggers Implementation Batch Classes and Scheduler per object Custom setting/ Metadata configuration for controlling Triggers. Standard vs Custom Development Record and ownership skews Categorizing the issue based on Priority and Complexity ...