shifthistory shiftownersharingrule shiftpattern shiftpatternentry shiftsegment shiftsegmenttype shiftshare shiftstatus shifttemplate shipment shipmentitem signuprequest site sitedetail sitedomain sitehistory siteiframewhitelisturl siteredirectmapping skill skillleveldefinitio...
個々の項目の変更または項目の変更セットを表します。FeedTrackedChange は、AccountFeed などのレコードフィードの子オブジェクトです。このオブジェクトは、API バージョン 18.0 以降で使用できます。
iframe, which means it can't execute any DOM API without throwing an error. Luckily for us, the JavaScript intrinsics, and all JavaScript language features specified by ECMA262 and ECMA402 are still alive and kicking in that iframe, except for one feature, dynamic imports in a form ofimport...
<iframe src="{!v.embedurl}" width="100%" height="800px;" frameBorder="0"/> </aura:component> Save the component. ClickControlleron the right section and past the following code. ({ getEmbedUrl : function(component, event, helper) { var action=component.get("c.generateDashboardEmbedUrl...
It appears that the changing the meta information doesn't work if the Visualforce page is being served in an iframe. If you have a Visualforce page with an iframe, it seems you can add the above to the parent page and get the right effect. However, you're using the Visualforce within ...
上面的handleStatusChange的主要作用是因为缺省方式是flow执行完后,自动跳到开头,重复执行,所以用关闭tab页的方式退出flow。 2. 在tab页显示flow 上面的组件包装了flow之后,可以作为QuickAction放到页面上,或者Actions and Recommendations里,但是QuickAction缺省情况下显示在对话框里,这样有些Flow显示起来就很难看。下面的...
shifthistory shiftownersharingrule shiftpattern shiftpatternentry shiftsegment shiftsegmenttype shiftshare shiftstatus shifttemplate shipment shipmentitem signuprequest site sitedetail sitedomain sitehistory siteiframewhitelisturl skill skillleveldefinition skilllevelprogress skill...
sharingrecordcollectionmember shift shifthistory shiftownersharingrule shiftpattern shiftpatternentry shiftsegment shiftsegmenttype shiftshare shiftstatus shifttemplate shipment shipmentitem signuprequest site sitedetail sitedomain sitehistory siteiframewhitelisturl siteredirectmapping skill skilllevelde...
iframewhitelisturl image incident individual individualhistory individualshare internalorganizationunit invoice invoiceaddressgroup invoicebatchrun invoiceline jobprofile jobprofilequeuegroup knowledge__feed knowledge__ka knowledge__kav knowledge__datacategoryselection knowledgeableuser knowledgearticle...
change_set_name 型 string 说明 変更セットの名前。 client_ip 型 string 说明 salesforce サービスを使用しているクライアントの ip アドレス。salesforce 内部 ip (salesforce ワークベンチまたは appexchange からのログインなど) は、「