Salesforce 保存取消 用户名 密码 记住我 忘记了密码?试用自定义域 不是客户? 免费试用
SetupOwnerId,IgnoreValidation__cFROMGlobalSetting__cWHERESetupOwnerId=:UserInfo.getUserId()];// 设置当前用户忽略验证规则if(gsList.size()>0){gs=gsList[0];}else{gs=newGlobalSetting__c();gs.SetupOwnerId=UserInfo.getUserId();}
Goods的Trigger代码如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 trigger GoodsTrigger onGoods__c(before insert){if(trigger.isBefore){if(trigger.isInsert){GoodsValidateWhiteList__c currentGoodsValidateWhiteList=GoodsValidateWhiteList__c.getInstance(UserInfo.getUserId());if(currentGoodsValidateWhiteList==null||currentGoodsV...
//which submits an Apex class to the Salesforce server. @HttpGet global static ID doGet() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; String apexClass = req.params.get('className'); System.debug(LoggingLevel.Info, 'Execute Batch:'+apexClass); Type ...
Also, system fields of records created or updated in the event trigger, such as CreatedById and LastModifiedById, reference the Automated Process entity. Similarly, the Apex UserInfo.getUserId() statement returns the Automated Process entity. You can override the running user of a platfo...
String userId = UserInfo.getUserId(); PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(‘/apex/OrderUploadPage_HO?id’+acc.Id); pageRef.getParameters().put(‘UserId’,userId); pageRef.getParameters().put(‘accid’,acc.Id); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } public pagereference cance...
Personalize cada experiência ao longo da jornada do cliente com o Customer 360. Unifique marketing, vendas, serviços, comércio e TI no CRM nº 1 do mundo.
User submitterUser = UserInfo.getUserId(); EchoSignActionBatch batch = new EchoSignActionBatch( agreementIds, 'Remind', UserInfo.getSessionId(), submitterUser); syncProcessId = Database.executeBatch(batch, 5); 契約テンプレート一括作成 SOQL クエリおよび契約テンプレートレコード ID を受...
ThegetUserInfo()call applies only to the username under which your client application has logged in. To retrieve additional personal information not found in thegetUserInfoResultobject, you can callretrieve()on theUserobject and pass in theuserIDreturned by this call. To retrieve personal informatio...
Salesforce オブジェクトの種類 table True string Salesforce オブジェクトの種類です ('リード' など)。 レコード ID id True string 削除するレコードを表す一意識別子です。レコードの取得操作ID: GetItems この操作は、「Leads」 などの特定の Salesforce オブジェクトの種類のレコードを取得...