CONTAINS:用于比较文本是否包含比较的文本,如果包含,返回true,不包含返回false。通常用于和IF一起使用。 写法: CONTAINS(text, compare_text) sample: IF(CONTAINS(GoodsName__c,'goods'),'Y','N'):如果此条记录GoodsName__c包含goods字符,则返回Y,否则返回N FIND:返回某个字符串在文本字符串内的位置(以数字...
写法:INCLUDES(multiselect_picklist_field, text_literal) sample:INCLUDES(Hobbies__c, "Golf"):如果爱好中包含Golf,则返回true,否则返回false。 ISPICKVAL:判断PickList当条数据是否与某个字符串相同,仅限于PickList中使用,相同返回true,不同返回false 写法: ISPICKVAL(picklist_field, text_literal) sample: ...
Your best friend in terms of a formula function to be used with multi-select picklists will be INCLUDES(). In a similar way to how ISPICKVAL() works for picklists, INCLUDES() will check if the values selected in a multi-select picklist contain a certain value specified in the formula...
8.datetimevalue(expression):此函数通过expression转换成date/time值,参数可以是date/time value或者text value或者表达式。 代码举例: 1<apex:page>2<apex:pageBlocktitle="日期相关函数汇总">3当前的时间为:4<apex:outputTextvalue="{0,date,YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}">5<apex:paramvalue="{!now()}"/>6</...
value used to evaluate the component’s visibility. for example, 1000000. ruleid type reference properties filter, group, sort description represents the formula rule id. this is a relationship field. relationship name rule relationship type lookup refers to uiformularule develope...
(valuename). the valuename isn’t used if you update the label. valuename string the text of the picklist value. developer centers heroku mulesoft tableau commerce cloud lightning design system einstein quip popular resources documentation component library apis trailhead sample apps podcasts app...
(the regular price and the customer unit price) and multiplies by quantity. This field is handy when creating your proposal template since it contains a value when manual discounts are applied, unlike the Additional Disc. (%) and Additional Disc. (Amt) fields, where one or the oth...
PicklistPicker is a popover tableview for selecting from a picklist, multiselect, or combobox. It also handles picking from lists of record types, for use when editing a record. Miscellaneous Views FieldPopoverButton is a generic UIButton intended to display the value of an sObject field. All...
(A type of field that contains a linkable value to another record. You can display lookup fields on page layouts where the object has a lookup or master-detail relationship with another object. For example, cases have a lookup relationship with assets that allows users to select an asset ...
Value: Closed Won Add another condition: Field: Name Operator: Contains Value: VIP When to Run the Flow for Updated Records: Only when a record is updated to meet the condition requirements Optimize the Flow for: Actions and Related RecordsCreate...