1.找到需要创建Formula字段的Object,选择Custom Fields & Relationships后单击new; 2.引导页选择类型时选择Formula; 3.输入字段Label以及字段名称,并且选择Formula计算式的返回类型,有以下类型可以返回,后期会给出相关的sample,这里先选择Number; 4.输入计算式,这里包含了以下模块: 通过两个链接可以学习一下Formula的用法...
三.Formula常⽤函数 Formula内置了很多的函数,⽅便快速开发 注意:使⽤函数最好通过上图中标记5的Functions选择函数insert,⽽不是⼿动输⼊,减⼩因⼈为输⼊错误导致的问题。1)逻辑函数:AND:和&&操作相同,逻辑与,两者均为true则为true。 写法:AND(logical1,logical2,...) sample: IF(...
3.IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false):针对逻辑表达式,正确执行value_if_true,错误执行value_if_false; 4.ISCHANGED(field):判断字段前后是否有更改,通常用于validation rule中判断某字段前后是否更改; 5.ISNEW():判断某个formula字段的记录是否是新建的,如果记录是新建的则返回true,如果对于已经存...
一.Formula创建 formula创建方式如下: 1.找到需要创建Formula字段的Object,选择Custom Fields & Relationships后单击new; 2.引导页选择类型时选择Formula; 3.输入字段Label以及字段名称,并且选择Formula计算式的返回类型,有以下类型可以返回,后期会给出相关的sample,这里先选择Number; 4.输入计算式,这里包含了以下模块: ...
Use this type for comparing related totals, especially if you have large amounts of data to summarize and you need to compare values in several different fields, or you want to look at data by date and by product, person, or geography.) 市场活动参与者状态(Member Status) 与市场活动有关的...
针对计算表达式,支持表达式运算符号更方便的操作数据,Visualforce Page支持字符串拼接、数据函数表达式及日期时间显示等函数功能,除此以外,还提供了条件表达式(Conditional formula Expression),比如下面的IF表达式,包含包含三个参数IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) ...
query(goodsQueryString); 23 } 24 25 public void query() { 26 String goodsSql = 'SELECT GoodsBrand__c,'+ 27 'GoodsDescribe__c,GoodsName__c , GoodsPrice__c,'+ 28 ' Id FROM GOODS__c where IsDeleted = false '; 29 if(goodsName.length() >0) { 30 goodsName = '%' + goods...
9、A developer considers the following snippet of code: Boolean isOK; Integer x; String theString = 'Hello'; if(isOk == false && theString == 'Hello'){ x=1; }else if(isOK == true && theString == 'Hello'){ x=2; }else if(isOk == null && theString == 'Hello'){ x=3...
field and a valuerecord field, but only one of these fields can have a value. the other field value must be null. to create relative dates and times, specify a valid salesforce formula, prefaced by macroformula . for example, the following formula creates a date that ...
best friend in terms of a formula function to be used with multi-select picklists will be INCLUDES(). In a similar way to how ISPICKVAL() works for picklists, INCLUDES() will check if the values selected in a multi-select picklist contain a certain value specified in the formula. ...