通过 Flow Trigger Explorer就可以更好的管理一个表的所有的 Flow的执行顺序。 2. Flow Running User:流程的运行用户是启动该流程的用户。运行用户决定了在用户上下文中运行的流可以对Salesforce数据做什么。 对于在用户上下文中运行的流程,运行用户的Profile和Permission Set决定了该流程的对象权限和字段级访问。当一...
类之间相互引用等这种有级联关系的,使用 change set部署很容易。 缺点: 如果公司有多个BU,然后有多个生产环境,并且生产环境需要部署同样的东西, change set方式便会爱莫能助因为 changeset 基于 sandbox的 deployment setting去设置 source and target关系,也只能绑定到一个production环境,涉及到多个生产环境无法实现。 ...
说起workflow大家肯定都不陌生,这里简单介绍一下salesforce中什么情况下使用workflow。 当你分配许多任务,定期发送电子邮件,记录修改时,可以通过自动配置workflow来完成以上操作而不是手工做这些工作。 一. WorkFlow配置 点击setup-->build-->create-->Workflow & Approvals-->workflow Rules或者在搜索栏中搜索workflow ...
function in flows and processes critical update. enableflowdeployasactiveenabled boolean indicates whether processes and flows can be deployed as active via change sets or metadata api. when the value is false , all processes and flows are deployed as inactive. when the value is true , deploying...
Use logic and formulas to control the paths and variables in a flow. ~1 小时 55 分钟 Define Multiple Paths in a Flow ~30 分钟 不完整 Set and Change Variable Values ~20 分钟 不完整 Calculate Values in Variables and Formulas ~25 分钟 ...
monitoring, see the trailhead event monitoring module or rest api developer’s guide . fields field details change_set_name type string description the name of the change set. client_ip type string description the ip address of the client that’s using sale...
2. 通过Flow或者Trigger,Account Name包含test情况下,发布Platform Event. 3. lwc进行订阅:这里看一下加粗的两行,messageCallback函数看上去有自己的上下文,如果不传递进去,获取的recordId则为 undefined, context也相同。 import { LightningElement, api, wire } from "lwc"; ...
比如在一些 Dreamforce 或者 TrailheadDX 之类的产品大会上面做演讲或者 Build demo 来展示产品功能。例如我们要做 Flow Builder(我所在的中台 Automation 的产品)的 Demo 时需要一个有技术背景的人,一般就是产品经理。这在很多 2C 端的公司是很难想象的,但是在 2B 端很常见。
Create a flow that adds "VIP" to the beginning of an account's description when a related opportunity has “VIP” in its name and the opportunity is set to Closed Won. Create a record-triggered flow: Object: Opportunity Trigger the Flow When: A record is updated Condition Requirements...
asked you to create a flow that marks all child contact records as Active or Inactive, based on the value of the account’s field. There are multiple ways to do this – one of which is to use a Loop to iterate through all the contact records and use an assignment to set the new ...