这里我们选择通过VF page的按钮action或者定时方法来启动flow。 Flow情况如下: Apex代码如下: 1publicclassFlowController {2publicvoidcallFlow(){3//调用flow所需数据4Account acc =newAccount();5acc.FirstName = 'Sapna';6acc.LastName = 'Chandani';7...8insert acc;910Map<String,Account> accMap =newMa...
global Contact[]filteredContactCollection;@InvocableVariable global string[]contactDataList;}} 2.创建Flow 在画布中拖拽一个Action,并选择上边创建的ApexClass 输入ApiName和Label名称 这里设置ApexClass的两个返回值【contactDataList】,【filteredContactCollection】,注意类型要和ApexClass中一致。 变量contactDataList ...
Flow Builder comes with a lot of functionality, but sometimes, your flow needs to do more than the default elements allow. In that case, call an Apex class from your flow by using an Apex action. For example, •Generate Quote PDF • Find list of Opportunities by passing Account IDs D...
相较于Apex,Flow是不会编写代码的使用者也可以掌握的工具。管理员甚至是超级用户可以使用Flow Builder构建自动化。与Apex相比,Flow更易学会,而且在视觉上更具吸引力。执行顺序 无论是Apex还是Flow,都需要考虑执行顺序。关于执行顺序,有两点很重要:Flows在Apex Triggers之前运行。Apex Triggers也可以在单个...
I decided to call an Apex class that could be used to represent one of these objects Place. CityZipPlace would have done just as nicely, though.Place needs to be an "outer," standalone Apex class, not an "inner," nested class inside CityZip, so that Place can be seen by Flow....
Regarding automating business processes in Salesforce, there are two main options: Salesforce Flow and Apex. Salesforce Flow is a visual tool that allows users to automate processes by dragging and dropping elements onto a canvas. At the same time, Apex is a programming language that allows ...
Today, we’ll be discussing two different tools – Flow and Apex – and identifying their strengths and weaknesses. We’ll be assessing each tool against a key requirement and seeing which tool is best for each job. So without further adieu, it’s time to introduce today’s contenders… ...
相较于Apex,Flow是不会编写代码的使用者也可以掌握的工具。管理员甚至是超级用户可以使用Flow Builder构建自动化。与Apex相比,Flow更易学会,而且在视觉上更具吸引力。 执行顺序 无论是Apex还是Flow,都需要考虑执行顺序。关于执行顺序,有两点很重要: Flows在Apex Triggers之前运行。
1.BatchApex做成 a.Flow调用ApexClass例 ApexClass中做成用于传递参数的内部类【UpdateOpportunityRequest】,引数必须指定成【InvocableVariable】 UpdateOpportunityProject.cls 代码语言:javascript 复制 public with sharing class UpdateOpportunityProject { private static String oppId; private static List<String> nameLis...
Flow可以在后台运行(autolaunched flows),也可以提供用户界面(screen flow)。Flow具有极大的灵活性,可在声明性和交互式Flow Builder UI中进行管理。 相较于Apex,Flow是不会编写代码的使用者也可以掌握的工具。管理员甚至是超级用户可以使用Flow Builder构建自动化。与Apex相比,Flow更易学会,而且在视觉上更具吸引力。