3.Field-LEVEL Security:对用户能看到的field做限定,也在 PROFILE 和permission set中做设置 4.Record-LEVEL Security:限制User看到的record.有四种方式来做record方面的设置: (1)OWD(Organization-wide defaults): 当你创建好一个object就要考虑这个object的OWD设置,考虑已怎样的方式来share表中的数据,可以为object的...
是对一条记录拥有owner权限,或者owner的上一级角色,又或者是对记录拥有Full access的用户,通过手动点击sharing按钮,把记录共享给一个用户、群组、角色的下属等,还可以选择共享什么权限。 3. Field-Level Security 字段级别的权限控制,主要是控制用户对字段的CRED权限。利用page layout可以简单地把一个字段从用户界面上...
Personalize cada experiência ao longo da jornada do cliente com o Customer 360. Unifique marketing, vendas, serviços, comércio e TI no CRM nº 1 do mundo.
Represents a field’s data sensitivity value selected from the SecurityClassification picklist. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later.
Represents a field’s data sensitivity value selected from the SecurityClassification picklist. This object is available in API version 46.0 and later.
[407]FieldLevelSecurityoptions Visible Hidden ReadOnly [408]Thefirstapprovalstepinaprocessspecifiestheactiontotakeifarecorddoesnot advancetothatstep. Ans:True [409]AccountTeamsmightbeutilizedforwhat? 0.Sharing 1.Reporting 2.PrivateSharingModel 3.Activities ...
Salesforce Shield is a suite of four products that exist for organizations who need a level of security and protection above and beyond the security that’s baked into the platform. These products help businesses meet compliance and industry regulatory requirements, monitor access to sensitive informa...
externalIdFieldName upsert 作業的外部識別碼欄位名稱。 指定的欄位在 Salesforce 服務雲端物件中必須定義為「外部識別碼欄位」。 對應的輸入資料中不能有 NULL 值。 是(用於 upsert) writeBatchSize 每個批次中寫入 Salesforce 服務雲端的資料列計數。 建議將此值從 10,000 設定為 200,000。 每個批次中的資料...
or external object to a parent external object. When you create an external lookup relationship field, the standard External ID field on the parent external object is matched against the values of the child’s external lookup relationship field. External object field values come from an external ...
externalIdFieldName 更新插入操作的外部的 ID 字段名称。 指定的字段必须在 Salesforce 对象中定义为“外部 ID 字段”。 它相应的输入数据中不能有 NULL 值。 对于“Upsert”是必需的 writeBatchSize 每批中写入到 Salesforce 的数据行计数。 建议将此值设置为介于 10,000 和 200,000 之间的值。 每批中的行...