False.EnablingSalesforceChatteralsoenablesthenewuserinterfacetheme,whichupdates thelookandfeelofS. [626]Whathappensifchatterisenabledinanorgwith15orfewerusers? Allusersautomaticallyfolloweachother. [627]TrueorFalse?ChatterisnotavailableforMobileUsers? False.YoucanenableSalesforceChatterforSalesforceMobileusersbyin...
Create tabs, quick actions, record types, and customized page layouts on an existing app for a more streamlined user experience. Enable Chatter for the objects in the app to allow recruiters to more easily share information about candidates. Introduction In the Lightning platform, clic...
(Web referral lead is a specific lead source indicating that the lead was generated when a user navigated to your website using a referring link on another site and filled out the Web-to-Lead form containing the Salesforce tracking code. For example, if a user is browsing your partner's ...
Turn Chatter on and collaborate confidently Many organizations want to benefit from the increased collaboration and employee engagement that Chatter brings, but are held back by compliance or e-discovery obligations. Smarsh helps you to solve these challenges. Our solutions enable*: ...
TheSolution TitleandSolution Detailsfields on solutions; these fields display only for translated solutions in organizations with multilingual solutions enabled ClickYour Name|Setup|Customize|Chatter|Feed Tracking. Select an object. SelectEnable Feed Tracking.You must have the required user permissions to ...
Add the Adobe Sign Publisher Action to the Homepage on Salesforce and Chatter feed: Navigate toSetup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Global Actions > Publisher Layouts Click theEditAction for Global Layout SelectQuick Actions Drag theAdobe Signaction to theQuick Actions in the Salesforce Class...
对最终用户的影响:提醒支持社区和领导团队网址将发生变化,但书签、Chatter 帖子中的链接、模板等将重定向到新实例 已执行测试并与内部和外部受影响方沟通,说明 Mydomain 将进行更改并且会影响其体验云产品访问链接 已(通过 Chatter 和电子邮件或您企业偏好的其他沟通方式)通知所有员工:阿里云上的 Salesforce应用程序已...
本文为Salesforce所涉及的基本销售术语(Q-R部分),略有删减(涉及聊天Chatter部分的术语没有收录),便于读者理解Salesforce的术语概念,以及其产品设计理念和思路。 A-C部分参见: 刘欢迎:Salesforce基本销售…
enablechatteranswers boolean chatter アンサーが组织で有効化されているか ( true )、否か ( false ) を示します。 enablefacebooksso boolean ユーザが facebook ログインを使用して chatter アンサーコミュニティにサインインするか ( true )、否か ( false ) を示します。この机能を有...
ClickYour Name|Setup|Customize|Chatter|Feed Tracking. Select an object. SelectEnable Feed Tracking.You must have the required user permissions to see this checkbox. To restore the default feed tracking settings for an object, clickRestore Defaults. ...