【前言】:Data Loader在日常工作中使用频次不高,但对Salesforce从业人员来说却是必不可少的。而往往因为工作变动或换机,我们都必须重新配置Data Loader环境,因此,熟练掌握正确的装机技巧显得尤为重要。本篇以Windows环境为例记录并实时更新我在搭建Data Loader上遇到的坑,以及相应的解决办法,供学习交流。 【软件下载...
\users\<username>\dataloader\<version> . delete the data loader desktop icon link. delete the data loader link from the windows start menu. uninstall data loader from macos locate and delete the data loader installation folder. the default installation folder is /users/<username>/dataloader/<...
installation instructions for macOS and Windows. Installing on Linux: Extract contents of Data Loader zip file Renameinstall.commandasinstall.sh Run the command in a shell terminal:./install.sh Running Data Loader in GUI mode For running Data Loader on macOS or Windows, follow theinstructions. ...
you install it on your windows computer. considerations for installing data loader before you download and install data loader, understand the installation and login considerations. each release of data loader for windows or data loader for macos also has its own list of supported operating system...
The Salesforce CLI Installation on Windows is done using a .exe file.You can download the .exe file here – x64 or x86. Run the .exe file and answer all prompts.Once the installation is complete, restart the command prompt, IDEs, or PowerShell windows....
The Salesforce Platform unifies Data, AI, CRM, Development, and Security into a single, comprehensive platform. Learn more about Salesforce’s application development platform.
To verify installation on macOS: Open a Terminal, type java -version You should see the following or similar: openjdk version “11.0.8″ OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu 11.41+23-CA) (build 11.0.8+10-LTS) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Zulu 11.41+23-CA) (build 11.0.8+10-LTS, mixed ...
. When importing data, Data Loader reads, extracts, and loads data from comma-separated values files or from a database connection. When exporting data, it outputs CSV files. Data Loader can be used in two different ways, either via the user interface or through command line on Windows....
当然是安装,有Mac,Windows 我用过Mac和Windows两种,windows上的最好用,mac的在输入中文时卡顿的狠,还没找到好的方法。 安装Package Control 这个东东是一个方便 Sublime text 管理插件的插件,这个强大,把它装上去了,再通过他的安装其它插件。也便于管理你安装的插件 官网:https://packagecontrol.io/installation 里...
Default value on Windows is is `CRLF`; on macOS and Linux it's `LR`. <options: LF|CRLF> --output-file=<value> (required) File where records are written. --query-file=<value> File that contains the SOQL query. GLOBAL FLAGS --flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory....