您可以使用Connected App代表外部应用程序请求访问Salesforce数据。要让已连接的应用程序请求访问,它必须使用OAuth 2.0协议与Salesforce API集成。 OAuth 2.0:允许用户提供一个令牌,而不是用户名和密码来访问他们存放在特定服务提供者的数据 您可以使用带有SAML 2.0的已连接应用程序来将服务提供者与您的Salesforce org集成。
在右上角,点击“新建连接的应用程序(New Connected App)”创建新的连接的应用程序(Connected App); 填写基本信息,如名称和您的电子邮件地址。 勾选“启用OAuth设置(Enable OAuth Settings)”。 对于回调URL(Callback URL),请输入“http://localhost:1717/OauthRedirect”。如果端口1717(默认端口)在您本地计算机上已...
二. Connected App 所以我们终于聊起了 Connected App。什么是 Connected App, Connected APP Use Case 以及 如何创建一个Connected App。 1. Connected App 以及 Use Case Connected App是一个允许外部的应用通过API 以及 标准协议来实现和Salesforce交互的架构。标准协议我们可以使用 Oauth,SAML或者 Open ID Connect。
Connected App是一个允许外部的应用通过API 以及 标准协议来实现和Salesforce交互的架构。标准协议我们可以使用 Oauth,SAML或者 Open ID Connect。Connected App使用这些协议去对外部应用程序进行身份验证、授权并提供单点登录(SSO)。和Salesforce进行交互的外部应用可以运行在customer success platform, 其他平台,设备,或者s...
Step1: Navigate to [Setup > Apps > App Manager > New Connected App] and create a Connected AppStep2: Fill the values for the required fields as follows- Enable OAuth Settings : True- Callback URL : https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/success (you can also change to others)-...
Selected OAuth Scopes Manage user data via APIs (API) Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access) Consumer Key (also known as Client ID) Consumer Secret (also known as Client Secret) Now that your Connected App has been created in Salesforce, you can go to...
Check “Enable OAuth Settings” under the “API (Enable OAuth Settings)” section. Step 6 Select the required OAuth Scopes for this connected app. In this demo, we are just planning to access & manage data in Salesforce so the appropriate scope would be “Access & manage your data (API...
Connected App Name: The name of the app that connects to Instana Contact Email: The email of someone within an organization that is familiar with Instana to debug any issues Enable OAuth Settings: You must enable OAuth because Instana uses OAuth to authenticate with Salesforce. ...
Required Parameters for the OAuth 2.0 Username-Password Configuration Consumer Key - The consumer key for the Salesforce connected app. See Creating a Consumer Key. Consumer Secret - The consumer secret for the connector to access Salesforce. Username: Enter the Salesforce username. Password: Enter...
Navigate to Apps -> App Manager. Select New connected app. Complete the API section as follows: Select the checkbox for Enable Oauth settings. Specify the Callback URL as: For M365 Enterprise: https://gcs.office.com/v1.0/admin/oauth/callback, for M365 Government: https://gcsgcc.office....