required. represents a set of values for a picklist. restrictedpicklist boolean indicates whether the picklist’s value list is restricted. with a restricted picklist, only an admin can add or change values; users can’t load or remove values through the api. by default this value is ...
deleted, or re-activated from the older “Inactive Values”. While this iscurrently only available for custom picklist fields, it is still a really valuable addition to an admin’s toolbox. Take a
For custom field and some standard field, you will see "Replace all blank values" checkbox to update picklist field without value with a value. Once done, you can delete the old picklist value. Note: This is a global change and will replace the picklist value for all existing records, ...
If you have been in the Salesforce ecosystem for a while, you are probably well aware of the big debate of this particular field type – to use or not to use multi-select picklists in your Salesforce implementations. Even if you’re a new Salesforce Admin, considerations about out-of-...
To verify access settings, go to profile settings for the current user and search for "API Enabled" checkbox. Salesforce trial accounts do not have API access and thus cannot be used. Custom fields of type "Picklist (Multi-Select)" are not supported by Create record and Update record (V3...
To verify access settings, go to profile settings for the current user and search for "API Enabled" checkbox. Salesforce trial accounts do not have API access and thus cannot be used. Custom fields of type "Picklist (Multi-Select)" are not supported by Create record and Update record (V3...
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Lead Conversion 是salesforce中sales cloud的一个很好用的功能。sales cloud流程可以简单的理解成 lead to cash。当对lead进行打分以及不断的孵化以后,优质lead会转成 Account & Contact & Opportunity。 背景: Lead / Contact / Opportunity 都创建了自定义的Picklist字段 Primary,包含的值为True以及false。并且做...
4. 事件:组件封装了几个标准行为的事件,其他的小伙伴自行查看,这里只介绍 change事件,handler用于返回所选中的recordId信息。demo会和下面的一起介绍。 二. lightning-record-picker实现WhatId等多选择的效果 既然record-picker只需要传递object信息就可以做出最简单的效果,我们的另外一个好的应用就是作出whatId以及who...
在for循环中使用和在函数中使用写法可能多少有点区别,下面给一个demo用来展示写法。需求为我们将account表中的test__c(multi picklist)展示成列表样式来判断某个item是否选中,代码如下: someEverySample.html:列表展示multi picklist的样式 <template>组件名称<templateif:true={resultList}><templatefor:each={result...