在Lightning Enterprise及更高版本中,某些IP范围可以完全受限于登录访问,如果用户配置文件中进行定义。 Salesforce提供了一个名为Salesforce Authenticator的应用程序,可用于iOS和Android。此应用程序提供比基于电子邮件或SMS的双因素身份验证更高级别的安全性。 Salesforce允许设置密码策略,包括:密码到期时间;记住了多少旧密...
27 開始使用 Salesforce 支援的瀏覽器與裝置,語言與無障礙標準 • Salesforce Classic 與 Lightning Experience 只在具有標準鍵盤與滑鼠輸入並已啟用觸控功能的 Windows 8 與 8.1 筆記型 電腦上的 Internet Explorer 11 獲得支援.不支援使用觸控作為主要互動方式的行動裝置或平板電腦. • 若您使用的是 Microsoft...
Written byOlesia Melnichenko 14 Dec 2018 COMMUNITY GUIDE FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS 5 Welcome our next post about how to create a Community for “Absolute beginners”. This is our fifth part, in which you can get familiar with Community Workspaces, some elements of Administration, and know what is...
Morever for the Cloud, Evidian offers a just in time provisioning to pay only when the user accesses the application in the Cloud. More on Salesforce user provisioning. Salesforce authentication Evidian supports a large list of authenticators and covers: Salesforce MFA (Multi-Factor Authenticatio...
If users don’t download an app right away, it’s not a disaster. They’re automatically prompted to register a verification method for MFA when they log in. Sia Thripio, your new employee, wants to use the Salesforce Authenticator mobile app so she can take advantage of the cool push ...
Learn to work with the Android contacts database. Basic knowledge of accessing SQLite in Android along with using Cursors is expected. See the Android SQLite and Cursor Article for more information. Google changed the contacts database moving from 1.x to 2.0 versions of Android. This tutorial ...
Function QueryTwitter(Query As String) As WebResponse Dim TwitterClient As New WebClient TwitterClient.BaseUrl = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/" ' Setup authenticator Dim TwitterAuth As New TwitterAuthenticator TwitterAuth.Setup _ ConsumerKey:="Your consumer key", _ ConsumerSecret:="Your consumer...
Salesforce提供了一个名为Salesforce Authenticator的应用程序,可用于iOS和Android。此应用程序提供比基于电子邮件或SMS的双因素身份验证更高级别的安全性。 Salesforce允许设置密码策略,包括:密码到期时间;记住了多少旧密码;最小密码长度;密码复杂性。 Salesforce支持通过身份提供程序(如Active Directory)进行身份验证,并实...