我们知道,record type可以设置不同的profile针对类型为picklist的字段显示不同的values,但是apex的API中,通过schema取出的Picklist的values为全部的值,并不能直接通过指定的方法取出指定的values。通过上述三个链接可以很好的解决。 原理图如下...
第一个方法用来获取一个表的所有 Picklist类型字段的label api name对,key为api name,value为picklist的label。我们以 Account表为例,返回的结构类似如下图所示: 第二个方法用来获取某个指定object指定字段的 picklist values的获取,有record type则传递,如果不需要record type则传递 null或者不传递即可。针对结果集...
1publicclassPickListValuesUtil {2/*3通过sObjectName和指定字段获取PickList的value值4*/5publicstaticMap<String, object>getPicklistValues(String sObjectName, String sFieldName){6Map<String, object> picValues=newMap<String, object>();7Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> sObjectDescribeMap =Schema.get...
1publicclassPickListValuesUtil{2/* 3 通过sObjectName和指定字段获取PickList的value值 4 */5publicstaticMap<String,object>getPicklistValues(String sObjectName,String sFieldName){6Map<String,object>picValues=newMap<String,object>();7Map<String,Schema.SObjectType>sObjectDescribeMap=Schema.getGlobalDe...
values in the picklist. but retrieving the values of a non-global, unrestricted picklist returns only the active values. label string the global picklist value’s label, or api name. if you don’t specify the label when creating a value, it defaults to the text of the picklist valu...
非推奨。カスタムオブジェクトのカスタム項目、または取引先などの標準オブジェクトのカスタム項目または標準項目の選択リスト (または連動選択リスト) の定義を表します。
Salesforce API access should be enabled. To verify access settings, go to profile settings for the current user and search for "API Enabled" checkbox. Salesforce trial accounts do not have API access and thus cannot be used. Custom fields of type "Picklist (Multi-Select)" are not supported...
Salesforce API access should be enabled. To verify access settings, go to profile settings for the current user and search for "API Enabled" checkbox. Salesforce trial accounts do not have API access and thus cannot be used. Custom fields of type "Picklist (Multi-Select)" are not supported...
Users can choose a value by double clicking on it, or choose additional values from a scrolling list by holding down the CTRL key while clicking a value and using the arrow icon to move them to the selected box.) 参数值(Picklist Values) 下拉列表中显示的特定字段的选择。有些值是预定义的...
Custom Picklist B: Called Path Type with two picklist values (New and Addon). This field will also be hidden from the layout or restricted from users to prevent changes. Create two workflows that both use a field update action to update the custom picklist B (Path Type); one for each...