Ryan Hermansky, founder of Flagstaff’s Noble Herb dispensary, PURE Edibles and president of the Arizona Dispensary Association has seen many sides of the economic dynamics play out over his nine years in the industry. Dispensary owners, he said, are aware of the need to maintain a strong med...
How to Avoid Sales Tax on an RV Purchase(0) How Do RV Dealers Determine the Trade in Value of a RV?(0) When to Consider an RV Dealer for a Used RV(0) What is a Class A RV?(0) How to Buy a Used RV in Arizona(0)
ARIZONA Store Address City State Zip Phone Online Acadamey of Scuba 4015 E Bell Road, Suite 132 Phoenix AZ 85032 480.203.6040 Web: http://www.academyofscuba.com Arizona Scuba Shack 2571 S Walnut Ave Yuma AZ 85364 928-783-1177 Web: arizonascubashack.com Desert Divers Scuba Ctr 4837 N....
Next, select a U.S. state or Canadian province and enter a zip code or postal code, depending upon where your business is based. Then, enter the tax rate you need to charge in decimal format. For example, if you operate your business out of your home in Fort Collins, Colorado, you ...