Process Analytics for Dynamics 365 You can connect to and analyze your Dynamics 365 Sales data by using these Power BI template apps. You can schedule automatic data updates to ensure that you can always make the most informed and timely decisions. You can also create your own custom Power BI...
在PowerBI中,占比的分子直接使用普通的度量值(比如销量= SUM('Fact_Sales'[SalesVolume])),返回的就是当前上下文中部分的值,如果把产品字段放到矩阵的行或列上,度量值返回的就是对应的产品的销量;占比的分母通过CALCULATE+ALL或ALLSELECTED清除当前上下文中占比字段对度量值的筛选,返回整体的值。 按占比字段的个...
The data is available in the following formats: .pbix Power BI Desktop file, or Excel workbook. See Samples for Power BI.This tutorial explores the Sales and Marketing sample in the Power BI service. Because the report experience is similar in Power BI Desktop and in the service, you can...
您具有 Dynamics 365 和 Power BI 的管理权限。 您有Power BI 模板应用中报表或仪表板的所有用户的 Power BI Pro 许可证。步骤2:安装 Power BI 模板应用以管理员身份登录到 Power BI 应用。 打开销售分析模板应用链接。 备注 若要获取 Dynamics 365 应用的流程分析,请打开流程分析模板应用链接。 安装Power BI ...
Learn how to use Power BI with business-oriented data, reports, and dashboards, with this sales and marketing sample.
2.23 PowerBI数据建模-累计求和 加入PowerBI自己学 知识星球:下载源文件,边学边练;遇到问题,提问交流,有问必答。 基于日期的累计求和,可以使用时间智能函数。基于其他维度的累计求和,比如帕累托分析,可查看累计占比贡献较大的客户或产品等。 解决方案 累计求和的本质是按照某种顺序,把数字累加求和,遇到相同的值,...
Join us for this joint webinar with Alteryx to explore how sales analysts are using Microsoft Power BI and Alteryx to get deeper insights, improve performance and identify new business opportunities. » En savoir plus 4 ways data will make you a better sales manager ...
Join us for this joint webinar with Alteryx to explore how sales analysts are using Microsoft Power BI and Alteryx to get deeper insights, improve performance and identify new business opportunities. » En savoir plus 4 ways data will make you a better sales manager ...
Contoso Sales Sample for Power BI File Size: 45.3 MB This download includes the Contoso Sales for Power BI Designer.pbix sample Power BI Designer file. This file includes over two million rows of sales data for the fictitious company, Contoso Inc.. You will not be able to acce...
近日,微软发布了一个新的BI产品,叫做Power BI Pro。他是一个可以基于Microsoft Azure SQL、Microsoft Azure HDInsight、SharePoint列表、Excel文件、Hadoop文件、Microsoft Exchange、Facebook、Salesforce对象等数据源获取数据,并对获取的数据进行可视化分析,你只需要简单的点击和拖拽即可很快速的获得你所需的报表。甚至于...