OASE GmbH the receivables from a third party, to which purchaser is entitled due to the combination of the object of sale with an item and/or an object, in the amount of our sales proceeds, or that occurs through resale in [...] oase-livingwater.com 买方还应将应收第三方款项转至...
The buyers shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds through sight(demand) draft/by T/T remittance to the sellers not later than .□买方须于年月日前通过银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤消天期信用证, 并注明在上述装运日期后天内在中国议付有效,信用证须注明合同编号。The buyers shall issue an ...
Your sales proceeds will be delayed while we are reviewing your account. Starting today, the reserve policy for all of your orders will be 14 days after the delivery date. For example, if you ship an item on November 1, and the actual delivery date is November 4, then the sales proceeds...
*Proportion retained in lessee: Discounted lease payments (excluding additional finance) / fair value Discounted lease payments (excluding additional finance) = PV of future rental payments – additional finance = PV of future rental payments - (Sales proceeds - FV) 03 如果销售价格(selling price)小...
“the buyer shall pay l00%of the sales proceeds to the seller by t/t against the fax of b/l”属于“装运后见提单传真伴t/t”支付条款。( ) 免费查看参考答案及解析 12下一页共303条数据 类目题库 ● 初中数学试题 ● 初中化学试题 ● 初中语文试题 ● 初中物理试题 ● 初中地理试题 ...
Thenet proceedsofany such sale shall belong to the Company and upon receipt by the Company ofsuchnet proceedsitshall become indebted to the former member for an amount equal tosuchnet proceeds. cre8ir.com cre8ir.com 任何有關出售所得的款項淨額將撥歸本公司所有,本公司於收訖該款項淨額 後,即...
Sale: Singular noun. Refers to a single transaction in which goods or services are transferred from the seller to the buyer in exchange for money or other compensation. Can also refer to a special promotion or event where goods are offered at reduced prices: “There’s a big sale at the...
Depending on how each potential client proceeds, your sales cycle may split during this stage.For leads who are still working through objections, focus on following up in a timely and valuable manner. Try to steer away from emails that pester leads about whether or not they’ve made a ...
pre·sale (prē′sāl′) n. 1.The period before something, such as a work of art, is available for sale to the public. 2.An exclusive or private sale held before an advertised sale. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton ...
名词 ˈoff-sales 名词 re·tail ˈsales 名词 ˈsales ac·count 名词 ˈsales ac·tiv·ity 名词 ˈsales analy·sis 名词 ˈsales area 名词 ˈsales as·sist·ant 名词 ˈsales book 名词 sales名词 sales Absatz sales Vertrieb