标准SAP中现金销售的复制控制仅存在于订单到交货和订单到发票之间。在为现金销售创建发票时,SAP还会检查现金销售订单中的订购数量是否与交货的PGI数量完全匹配。如果数量不匹配,您无法创建发票单据。 由于发票打印是从销售单据生成的,发票单据仅相关于过账会计条目。会计条目过账到收入,抵消条目过账到现金账户。如果对现金...
While going through the tutorials ofQuotation,Contract, andSales Ordercreation you must have met the term of a ‘Document Type’. SAP SD Sales Document types in SAP have a specific functionality and performs different functions. If we talk about Sales Documents in Sales & Distribution, you can ...
Note that this app only offers the described functionality for a limited number of sales order types. It is not meant to replace the Create Sales Orders - VA01 app. Again, with the SAP S/4HANA 2105, we extend this SAP Fiori app with new features to increase flexibility and brings ...
Creation of asales orderis the first step in SAP SD for capturing of the actual sales. This means that customer has agreed to the price which you have offered during the inquiry and quotation phase(s). In SAP SD, a sales order can be created either with or without reference to: Quotati...
SAP SD Oveview - SD02 Sales Order
定义采购订单类型(Purchase Order Types) (2,448) 定义销售定价的条件类型(Condition Types) (2,442) 定义公司代码(Company Code) (2,429) 采购凭证的项目类别与科目分配类别 (2,425) 物料主数据_综述 (2,337) 分类 SAP (576) 专题 (20) 配置V0.8 (12) 业务流程 (13) FI/CO (73) FI配置 (...
The document types can be tailored to meet the requirements of your company. You can modify the existing document types or you can create your own if those specified in the standard version of the SAP System do not meet the needs of your sales organization. Your system administrator is ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD Sales Hello All, i am creating sales order in va01 , i am entering data in VA01 as below . order type - zor sales org - sob2 , dis channel -z1 , divition - z1 . but i am get below error """ Order type 'ZOR' has not been defined ...
2. As a guide, the most common document types are marked with bold. The sales documents in SAP SD are in 4 categories: 1. Presales a. Inquiry - IN B. quotations - QT c. Free of Charge delivery - FD 2. sales oRders a. Standard order - OR ...
It is in SAP’s roadmap , hope to get that app in upcoming release. Understand from SAP that it is quite complex to combine various SAP standard Sales order types in a single fiori app and that is the reason for the delay. Foreign trade SAP has deprecated ECC’s Foreign trade (SD-...