order_date 是客户订购商品的日期。 (ordered_id, item_id) is the primary key for this table. This table contains information of the orders placed. order_date is the date when item_id was ordered by the customer with id customer_id. Orders Table Description Table: Orders 表二:Items Table i...
Order: QueryApi: nullViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000opportunitysalesprocess_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccessesMany-To-One Relationship: principalobjectattributeaccess opportunitysalesprocess_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccessesExpand table PropertyValue ReferencingEntity principalobjectattributeaccess Refer...
你正在使用SQL进行数据分析,以下哪个语句可以用来筛选出“销售额”大于1000的记录? A. SELECT * FROM table WHERE sales > 1000; B. SELECT * FROM table WHERE sales >= 1000; C. SELECT * FROM table WHERE sales = 1000; D. SELECT * FROM table WHERE sales ...
I have 2 tables as shown below Table 1 and Table -2 I need an output as shown below by joining Table-1 and Table-2 Please help in getting join Query in SQL.SQL Server SQL Server A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-...
SQL> commit; 3.在插入时不记录日志记录的快速方法 INSERT的时候可通过APPEND选项不产生归档日志。 alter table aa nologging alter table aa logging insert /*+append*/ into ...nologing select * from ... insert /*+ append, parallel */ into ods_list_t nologging ...
If you continue to receive the error message, or if you cannot select the existing documents in the Sales Transaction Entry window, run the following scripts in SQL Query Analyzer against the company database to locate problem records in the SOP10100 table. Note In the followi...
1.win+r,输入cmd 2.输入 mysql -u root -p 3.输入数据库密码 4.选择数据库,use 数据库名称,例如 use xina; 5.查看表中字段名以及类型。 show create table 表名; 例如我要查看news这个表 show create table news; 6.修改表中字段名的类型 alter ... ...
In this article Methods Fields Field Groups Relations Show 3 more The SalesTable table contains all sales order headers regardless of whether they have been posted.Configuration Key: LogisticsBasicMethodsExpand table MethodDescription accountCustLedgerDimension agreementDocumentTitle_RU Gets the ...
Remove the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.BOOKED_FLAG='Y' filter in the SQL statement to include nonbooked orders in the Sales Order lines table. Validate and save your changes to the repository. Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide...
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