In case sales orders are created automatically using IDOC documents via ABAP programs in your SAP system, you may want to get IDOC number from SAP sales order. Normally, using Relationships menu option on Services for Object icon on VA02 and VA03 sales document screen will let the SAP profes...
To create a sales order, follow the menu path SAP Menu ➢ Logistics ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales ➢ Order ➢ Create (VA01). Again, note that the transaction code mentioned in parentheses after the path will lead you to the same screen. 创建销售订单 创建销售订单路径:sap菜单...
You can search for your predictive journal entry with the sales order number. In the figure below we are searching for the predictive journal entry by entering the sales order we created in the field SRC_AWREF. (All logistic reference information for predictive journal entries is stored in fie...
So now in my case, where am not using assembly processing, what is the usage of manually typing in the sales order number in the assignment tab of the Network header in CJ20N? Also in case I assign an incorrect sales order number and line item in the network assignment tab which is not...
requirements that you will need to map in SAP through configuration. During configuration, you can carry out various settings that control the process setup, such as the following: 客制化菜单: 你可以配置和定制sap系统来达到你组织的特殊要求。销售和分销(SD)模块的开发已经考虑了多个业务流程和各种行业...
Solved: Dear all, when i am creating Sales Order, EAN/UPC field is grey field i cannot enter any value in that. I want to used these field, then how i can use these
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi , Please tell me all the steps required to add Field in AdditionalB Tab of Sales Order. When i go to Screen painter "SAPMV45A" "8459" to change layout it is asking for Access key. Do i need to get Access key from Admin. Thanks, Anjani. Repl...
int_number_assignment = 'X' IMPORTING salesdocument_ex = po_order_number TABLES return = lt_bapiret2 sales_partners = lt_partners. LOOP AT lt_bapiret2 ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<return>) WHERE type = 'E'. WRITE:/ 'Error:', <return>-message COLOR COL_NEGATIVE. ...
Select customer account 3005 Contoso Retail Miami on the Create sales order page.Select OK on the Create sales order page.In Sales order lines, add item 0001 in the Item number dropdown list.Enter a value of 4 in the Quantity field. The site and warehouse fields should auto ...
Possible Key Figures for the Results List of Sales Order Selection CharacteristicsThe following characteristics are available for the sales document header: Created on Created by Document date Bus.transaction, such as order, inquiry, quotation Purchase order number Sales document type Sales organization ...