奥妙就在于这里使用了一个叫做Smart Template的Fiori框架。使用这个框架,界面布局信息不再维护于xml或者js view里,而是定义在CDS view内。 下图是我博客里提到的Service Order应用使用到的某个CDS view在ABAP ...
Underlying cube: Sales Order Item - Cube (2CISDSALESORDERIC) To view more details, you can search by view name (for example, Sales Order Item - Query) in CDS Views for Sales on SAP Help Portal. You can also find the underlying CDS View of query in the View Browser app(business role...
这解释了为什么您在基于Smart Template的Fiori应用里找不到xml或者js view,因为UI布局压根就不再存储于这些前台资源里,而是维护在ABAP后台的CDS view里。 下图是之前提到的Service Order Fiori应用使用到的CDS view的层级结构。每个view的详细代码在我的博客里。 关于Smart Template的更多介绍,请参考我的公众号文章Jerry...
SalesDeliveryChargeCDSEntity SalesDeliveryChargeEntity SalesDocumentDefaultsEntity SalesDocumentEntryPolicyEntity SalesDocumentEventTrackingSetupEntity SalesDocumentProcessingPolicyEntity SalesDocumentSortingOrderEntity SalesExternalSalesAgreementClassificationEntity SalesFormletterPackingSlipFormPrintin...
3. Create sales order C)1. Create sales inquiry 2. Accept sales inquiry 3. Create sales contract D)1. Create sales inquiry 2. Accept sales inquiry 3. Create sales order 4. You are working on a Sales Order Processing with Collective Billing (BKZ) process in SAP S/4HANA ...
View both product and stock information in Stock Information page. Click on Approve Sales Orders. You will be presented with a screen where Ship/ Reject a Sales Order. Click on “New” sales order and see the details of the product and click on “Ship” You can see that the status...
Sales order origin codes in SalesAndMarketing(SalesOrderOriginEntity) 此内容未以你的语言提供。 以下为英语版。 消除警报 SalesOrderConfirmationLineEntity SalesOrderEntryDeadlineEntity SalesOrderHeaderCDSEntity SalesOrderHeaderChargeV2Entity SalesOrderHeaderV2Entity...
SalesDeliveryChargeCDSEntity SalesDeliveryChargeEntity SalesDocumentDefaultsEntity SalesDocumentEntryPolicyEntity SalesDocumentEventTrackingSetupEntity SalesDocumentProcessingPolicyEntity SalesDocumentSortingOrderEntity SalesExternalSalesAgreementClassificationEntity SalesFormletterPackingSlipFormPrinting...
SalesDeliveryChargeCDSEntity SalesDeliveryChargeEntity SalesDocumentDefaultsEntity SalesDocumentEntryPolicyEntity SalesDocumentEventTrackingSetupEntity SalesDocumentProcessingPolicyEntity SalesDocumentSortingOrderEntity SalesExternalSalesAgreementClassificationEntity SalesFormletterPackingSlipFormPrinting...
Those are kind of the things that you need to figure out in order to be able to create content that is going to be relevant to a group of people. You can definitely start with a product. But you got to also figure out, who are engaging with this product and what are they ...