1、sales是销售额。销售额是指纳税人销售货物、提供应税劳务或服务,从购买或接受应税劳务方或服务方收取的全部价款和切价外费用,但是不包括向购买方收取的销项税额以及代为收取的政府性基金或者行政事业性收费。2、operating income是营业收入。营业收入是从事主营业务所取得的收入。指在一定时期内,商业...
sales of merchandise from stock 库存商品销售 deduction from sales 【经】 销货的抵销项目 相似单词 sales adj. 售货的;销售的 n. 销售(额) income n.[C,U]收入;收益;所得 from prep. 1.(表起点)起始于 2.(表来源)出自 3.(表观察方位)从;据 4.(表原因,动机)因为;出于 5.(表原料)由 ...
net sales和net revenue区别为:侧重不同、用途不同、费用不同。一、侧重不同 1、net sales:net sales是指销售净额,侧重于销售行为带来的收入。2、net revenue:net revenue一般是指企业的营业收入,侧重于企业产品和劳务的销售收入,以及利息、股利和租金等收入。二、用途不同 1、net sales:net sa...
答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 sales就是利润表第一行的Gross revenue然后减cost of sales,加other income 减 depreciation 减operating expenses得到的operating income (一般也就是EBIT)然后减interest expense 减income tax最后得到利润表底数 就是net income. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 sales就是利润表第一行的Gross revenue然后减cost of sales,加other income 减 depreciation 减operating expenses得到的operating income (一般也就是EBIT)然后减interest expense 减income tax最后得到利润表底数 就是net income. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
Income 是个人所挣得的收入,来源比sale更广泛。假如你是个体户,你的Sale 中要减去 Cost of Good 来算Gross profit. Income 则要根据Gross Profit 来计算,比如要扣除各种expenses之类。Income 形式很多,基本靠你自己的时间成本或者资源挣出来的都可以算。Gain 在一般正常sale中不会出现,只有在dispose ...
Profit Net Income All three terms mean the same thing– the difference between thegross incomeof ...
Sales, Income, Gain, Earning, 和 Profit 这几个概念的联系和区别如下:Sales(营销)是 Income(现金收入), Gain(所得), Earning(工作所得), 和 Profit(利润) 的基本前提。没有 sales 就不可能有后面的五项内容。Sales 决定 Income。卖得越多,income 就越多。在大多数情况下,income 并...
Sales refer to the transactions where goods or services are sold. Revenue is the total income generated by a business, including sales but also other sources like investments or licensing fees.
Example If sales of XYZ is $20,000, and income from other sources is $5,000, then revenue would be $25,000 If products sold by XYZ are 2,000, and the price per product is $10 per product, then sales would be $2000. Indicates the company's ability to invest and allocate its res...