使用Dynamics 365 Sales Insights 1 小时 2 分钟 模块 8 单元 与客户建立牢固的长期关系需要付出一些时间和精力。 客户主管需要定期与客户沟通,并全面了解客户是谁以及他们需要什么。 本模块重点介绍 Dynamics 365 嵌入式智能。 企业可以通过使用关系助手、自动捕获和电子邮件跟踪以及销售见解等功能来帮助构建这些客户关系...
发现如何通过在 Dynamics 365 Sales Insights 中使用 Microsoft Power Automate 创建自定义见解来提高工作效率。
Dynamics 365 Sales Insights 具有一系列功能,可持续分析存储在 Dynamics 365 Sales 和 Office 365 数据库中的庞大客户交互数据集合。 Sales Insights 会检查您与客户互动的频率、客户与您互动的频率、即将到来的销售活动,以及通信内容。 这有助于您更好地了解业务关系、评估与之前所取得的成果相关的活动,...
Work with Dynamics 365 Sales Insights 1 h 2 min Modul 8 Jedinice Building a strong, long-term relationship with a customer takes time and effort. Account executives need to communicate with customers regularly and maintain a complete understanding of who that customer is and what they need. Thi...
Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 Microsoft Advertising Microsoft 365 Copilot Microsoft Teams 开发人员与 IT Microsoft 开发人员 文档 Microsoft Learn Microsoft 技术社区 Azure 市场 AppSource Microsoft Power Platform Visual Studio 公司 招贤纳士 关于Microsoft 公司新闻 Microsoft 隐私 投资人...
Another good example is the offering of customer insights and marketing. Here Dynamics 365 Copilot revolutionizes tasks by facilitating data exploration, content creation, and segmention of the audience. Furthermore, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Copilot also helps create targeted customer segments and crafts...
Boost sales with Dynamics 365 Sales. Use AI and automation to close deals with conversation intelligence, opportunity scoring, and collaboration tools.
A five-day assessment to evaluate the cost and terms, build the implementation path of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, and prepare your team for this. During this process, we will help you gather, model, and formalize your requirements, present the vision of...
"Red Box'sresilient and open voice platform provides a rich and high-quality voice data set. This combined with the call intelligence capabilities of Dynamics 365 Sales Insights enable sales teams to gain understanding of their customers by leveraging...
语音公司Red Box宣布,该公司已被微软选为优先电话合作伙伴,向微软(Microsoft) Dynamics 365 Sales Insights提供语音数据录取的服务,使微软人工智能解决方案的推理数据更丰富,从而令两家公司的共同客户的数据分析更高质和有效。此技术将会帮助销售经理通过销售商和客户的通话作出分析,来为他们的销售商进行智能辅导。 由Re...