X_val2 = prepare_dataset(df_2017_item, promo_2017_item, date(2017, 7, 26), is_train=False, name_prefix='item') X_val2.index = df_2017_item.index X_val2 = X_val2.reindex(df_2017.index.get_level_values(1)).reset_index(drop=True) X_val3 = prepare_dataset(df_2017_store_cla...
Xtest, _ = create_dataset(df, promo_df, items, stores, timesteps, date(2017, 8, 16), aux_as_tensor=True, is_train=False, reshape_output=2) 其中函数train_generator: create_dataset_part负责生产一个时间窗的数据 train_generator负责惰性生产多时间窗抽样数据,其中循环一次: 将会随机从样本中抽取...
最近因为工作原因需要调研下kaggle比赛《Corporación Favorita Grocery Sales Forecasting》top方案的特征和模型工作,可以借鉴并应用到实际业务中。很多时候我们的任务可能与kaggle中某个比赛是类似的,想又快又好的完成目标其中一条有效的方法就是参考大牛分享的方案。因为很多大牛在比赛打完之后会分享自己的源码,这样相比于...
📈Forecasting Total amount of Products using time-series dataset consisting of daily sales data provided by one of the largest Russian software firms📆 - viznuv/Kaggle-Predicting-Future-Sales
该比赛kaggle地址如下: https://www.kaggle.com/c/favorita-grocery-sales-forecasting/overview 整体来看该比赛就是预测商品的销量,官方提供了2013-2017年各商店商品的销量,参赛队伍需要根据已有数据预测未来一段时间商店商品的销量,下面是每年的训练样本量:
For non-Getting Started Kaggle competitions, there is the concept of a public and private leaderboard to prevent participants from “overfitting” to the leaderboard. If your model is “overfit” to a dataset then it is not generalizable outside of the dataset you trained it on. This means th...
3.3.1. Comparison of Forecasting Results of Ultra-Short-Term Electricity Sales When making ultra-short-term forecasting, the total dataset is shown in Table 1. Taking the forecasting results of the last 120 h as an example to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the models, the correspon...
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This paper is to investigate on comparison between the traditional statistical method models which are ARMA, ARIMA, and ARIMAX model using the dataset provided in Kaggle competition webpage. Three numbers of time series were implemented on the validation, and comparison is done in terms of ...
kaggle.com/competitions/favorita-grocery-sales-forecasting/overview 数据集也可在竞赛页面下载 代码下载地址 https://www.kaggle.com/code/shixw125/1st-place-lgb-model-public-0-506-private-0-511/script 本文是解说竞赛第一名的代码,只有一个py程序,最好创建一个文件夹,将程序放进去,再创建一个保存数据集...