摘要: Reports on the sale of new and refunding bonds for the system in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Deal of rare water and sewer revenue bond; Date of maturity of the bonds; Use of the proceeds from the new-money debt to finance system improvements....
OFFICE PRACTICE IN THE WINSTON-SALEM WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENTdoi:10.2307/41225890R. L. DixonAmerican Water Works AssociationJournal
Officials Seeking Sewer Pipe Fix ; Marblehead, Salem Fear Harbor DamageWade, Christian M
One element of the MAO required the City to eliminate Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO=s) to Pringle Creek by December 31, 2004 (Pringle Creek is a tributary stream of the Willamette River and is located at the southern end of the heart of downtown Salem, Oregon). The Facility Plan ...
Bidding will open soon for $1M Salem sewer projectNathalie Weinstein
Salem Twp. Sues Former Engineer over Sewer ProjectKalinowsk, Bob