Submitted 2 years ago By Megan From North Vancouver Verified Buyer Reviewed at This jacket is now a staple of mine in my wardrobe. The perfect length for walking the dog or city adventures. I got a size medium in black and love the fit. Over all it's breathable, lightweight and stylish...
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and salal (Gaultheriashallon Pursh) abundance on 4-year-old logged and burned sites dominated by salal on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. These relationships were sought to determine some possible factors at the microsite level that influence the growth of western red cedar on recently ...
1989a. Foliar analysis and response of fertil- ized chlorotic Sitka spruce plantations on salal-dominated cedar-hemlock cutovers on Vancouver Island. Can. J. For. Res. 19: 1501-1511.Weetman G E, Fournier R, Barker J, Schnorbus-Panozzo E and Germain A 1989 Foliar analysis and response ...
2004: Distribution manner of Salal (Gaultheria shallon) and major understory species in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) dominated forest in Vancouver Island, Western Canada Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tamagawa University 43-44: 39-50 Schmidt, M.G. 1979: Natives for your garden; ...
Tappeiner JCII, Zasada JC, Huffman DW, Ganio LM (2001) Salmonberry and salal annual aerial stem production: the maintenance of shrub cover in forest stands . Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 31 : 1629–1638Tappeiner II, J.C., Zasada, J.C., Huffman, D.W., Ganio, L.M., 2001....
1999. Organic nitrogen use by salal ericoid mycorrhizal fungi from northern Vancouver Island and impacts on growth in vitro of Gaultheria shallon. Mycorrhiza 9:145-149.Xiao, G., and Berch, S.M. 1999. Organic nitrogen use by salal ericoid mycorrhizal fungi from northern Vancouver Island and ...
Vertical fine root distributions of western redcedar, western hemlock, and salal in old-growth cedar-hemlock forests on northern Vancouver Island. Can. J. For. Res. 32, 1208-1216.Bennett J.N., Andrew B., Prescott C.E., Vertical fine root distribu- tions of western redcedar, western ...
Vertical fine root distributions of western redcedar, western hemlock, and salal in old-growth cedar鈥揾emlock forests on northern Vancouver Island - Bennett, Andrew, et al. - 2002 () Citation Context ... Western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don), which is flood tol...
E. 2002. Vertical fine root distributions of western redcedar, western hemlock, and salal in old-growth cedar-hemlock forests on northern Vancouver Island. Can. J. For. Res., 32: 1208-1216.Bennett, JN, Andrew, B, Prescott, CE (2002) Vertical fine root distributions of western redcedar,...