PRTICA DE ORALIDADE EM SALA DE AULA: FOCO NO DESENVOLVIMENTO PLENO DO EDUCANDOdoi:10.21723/riaee.v18iesp.1.17459LANGUAGE & languagesThis article aims to reflect, through a qualitative analysis, on the role of the current school which, inserted in a society under...
In the first stage of learning, the students meet the Portuguese language only as a foreign language which has its geographical placement on the world map; then the students discover that there are differences between the Portuguese of Portugal, the Portuguese of Braz...
On the other hand, because it allows internalizing the effects of observation, from the way in which students carry out the proposed activities to any apparatus that is in the physical and cognitive environment in question, also served as a methodological...
Sequência didática com o gênero crnica: uma possibilidade para o aperfeioamento da escrita na sala de auladoi:10.48017/dj.v7i4.2230LEARNINGELEMENTARY schoolsPORTUGUESE languagePUBLIC schoolsHIGH schoolsReading and writing activities are part of the students' learning process. From this p...
PLANEJAMENTO ESTRATGICO NA GESTO DEMOCRTICA: CONTEXTO DE INFLUNCIA NO ESPAO DA SALA DE AULAdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n9-080SCHOOL administrationSTRATEGIC planningORGANIZATIONAL changeRESEARCH personnelCONTEXTUAL analysisThe act of planning is a necessary activity for ...
OS PRINCPIOS DA TICA E DA POLTICA ARISTOTLICA APLICADOS AO COTIDIANO DA SALA DE AULA: ALGUNS APONTAMENTOSdoi:10.36311/2447-780x.2019.v5n2.02.p9The purpose of this article is to reflectively discuss some concepts of Aristotle's ethics and politics, with...
CINCIA BRASILEIRA E EDUCAO EM SADE: RELATO DE UMA PRTICA DE ENSINO ENVOLVENDO PESQUISA NA SALA DE AULAdoi:10.14483/23464712.19139RIO Grande do Sul (Brazil : State)SCIENCE educationHEALTH educationCOVID-19 pandemicCONCEPT mappingCLASSROOM activities...