隱身都市叢林的SAKURA SPA,不單是深層放鬆及釋放疲憊的美療舒壓,也提供滋養身心的餐點與茶飲,讓您身心靈全方面皆獲得滿足、重煥活力。 「櫻花男女生活舘」(SAKURA)は2004年に台北市仁愛敦南ロータリーで出店以来、高級感が溢れる優雅な空間で男性‧女性のお客様を問わずに全身マッサージや足ツボマッ...
In this saloon they do not push you to do procedures (weather facial, whether hand & feet spa or hair procedures) if you do not need it or if it harms you!). Natasha simply rejected to apply shellac on my feet since she saw how my nails are damaged and they need to breath! This...