Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie(1999) Not Rated 80 min|Animation, Adventure, Comedy Edit pageAdd to list Track Ten-year old Sakura Avalon, Cardcaptor of the elusive, magical Clow Cards, unexpectedly wins a trip to Hong Kong where strange dreams lead her to an imprisoned sorceress with close co...
Cardcaptor Sakura takes place in the fictional city of Tomoeda. Ten-year-old Sakura Kinomoto accidentally releases a set of magical cards known as Clow Cards from a book created and named after the sorcerer Clow Reed. Each card has its own unique ability and can assume an alternate form whe...
cardcaptor sakura Package Blister Card/ Opp Bag/ Box Packing MOQ 10box Design Character Type Gift Card Paper Card Quality High Level Condition 100% New Keywords game Cards Packaging and delivery Selling Units: Single item Single package size: 70X35X35 cm Single gross weight: 22.000 kg Show mor...
PVC Characters KINOMOTO SAKURA Gender WOMEN Item Type Walking Sticks & Canes Origin Mainland China Special Use costumes Description Report Item Includes 29pcs Cards Small size:12.7*5.6cm Large size:16*7cm Material:Paper Buyer Questions & Answers (2) ...
Cardcaptor Sakura begins when ten-year-old fourth grader Sakura Kinomoto accidentally releases a set of magical cards called Clow Cards from the Clow Book, created and named after half-English, half-Chinese sorcerer Clow Reed. Each card has its own personality and characteristics and can assume ...
NOT GOOD ITEMS, GREAT ITEMS✨:cardcaptor card captor sakura clow cards tarot cards books cosplay REASONS TO BUY:✨ Original letters sakura card captor: our sakura card captor is made of high-quality material, which is very suitable for cosplay. the letters are printed on both sides of the...
cardcaptor sakura: clear card untertitel | synchro sakura had managed to capture all of the clow cards which could bring disaster to the world and turned them into her own sakura cards. now it’s spring. with cherry trees in full blossom, sakura is just entering middle school. her beloved...
Cardcaptor Sakura Wiki-wordmark 🌸 CCS Official Twitter 🌸 Twitter 🌸 Latest Chapter 🌸 Chapter 80 (Clear Card) 🌸 Latest Episode 🌸 Episode 22: Sakura's Clear Cards 🌸 News 🌸 Chapter 80 (Clear Card) has been released. Chapter 79 (Clear Card) has been released. Chapter 78...
cardcaptor sakura sub | dub ten-year-old sakura lives a pretty normal life with her older brother, toya, and widowed father, fujitaka. or she did, until the day she returned home from school to discover a glowing book in her father’s study. after opening the book and releasing the ...
Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie(1999) Motoko Kumai Shaoran Li Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc(2018) Aya Hisakawa Kero (voice) Fruits Basket(2001) Masaya Onosaka Kerberos Millennium Actress(2001) Megumi Ogata Yukito Tsukishiro / Yue Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion(1997) ...