For the Clear Card Arc episodes, see Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card (anime). For a list and information on the home release, see Cardcaptor Sakura Home Release. Cardcaptor Sakura was adapted into an anime television series by the animation studio Madhouse
Card Captor Sakura - Clear Card Arc (カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編) est une série anniversaire célébrant les 20 ans de la série originelle Card Captor Sakura. Elle fut pour la première fois prépubliée dans le magazine Nakayoshi en juillet
The 70-episode Cardcaptor Sakura Japanese anime television series is based on the manga series written and illustrated by the manga artist group Clamp.[1] Cardcaptor Sakura is directnd animated and produced by Madhouse.[2] The series focuses on Sakura Ki
Sakura Card Captors Wiki 730 páginas Explora Páginas cambiadas recientemente en:Personajes,Personajes Principales,Seres con Magia, y4 más Escuela de Tomoeda Profesores Kaho Personajes Femeninos 3 Ver código fuente Historial Comentarios (0) ...
Title : Cardcaptor Sakura (Complete Set TV 1-92 end + 2 Movies + 2 SP) Genre : Magical Girl / Romance Episode : 1-92 end Date of airing / In cinema : 1998~2018 Listing date : 02 Sep 2018 Disc Qty : 9 pcs Weight : 420(g) Production country : Japan...
As much as I appreciate what the manga brings, here are a few reasons why Cardcaptor Sakura works so much better for me as an anime.
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen (DVD) (2018) Anime with English subtitle Directed: Asaka Morio episode 1-22 end Synopsis: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card starts at the point where Cardcaptor Sakura ends, when Sakura Kinomoto starts junior high ...
Captain Tsubasa Movie 4 World Battle - The Junior World Cup English Subbed Captain Underpants: Mega Blissmas Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie 2017 Capture the Flag Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 1: The Movie English Dubbed Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card English Dubbed Cardcaptor Saku...
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Card Captor Sakura Kureyuku Hitotose Waning Year From CCS Original Soundtrack 4 Ghost Sweeper Mikami Ghost Sweeper Opening theme REDLINE Let Me Love You Insert Song Itsuka Tenma no Kuro-Usagi Utsusemi Empty Shell ED THE UNLIMITED - Hyōbu Kyōsuke BRIGHTEST LIGHT Image Song / Ep. 4 ED Jpop ...