Oh, for heaven's sake! 哎哟,天哪! 来自牛津词典 3. For pity's sake, help me! 行行好,帮帮我吧! 来自牛津词典 4. I believe in education for its own sake. 我相信教育本身就是有价值的。 来自牛津词典 5. art for art's sake 为艺术而艺术 来自牛津词典 6. They stayed together for the ...
We have a feeling that they are and for the platform 's sake , they better . 我们有一种感觉,因为平台的缘故,他们可以做的更好。 So when officials tell you that we must rush to settle with the banks for the sake of the economy don 't believe them . 所以,当政府官员说为了经济的缘故我...
sake一词源自中世纪拉丁语中的“sacrum”,意为“神圣的”或“宗教的”,后经过演变,其含义逐渐扩展至现代英语中的多个义项。不过,关于其作为“日本米酒”这一特定含义的起源,则与日本文化和传统紧密相连,是日本特有的酒类名称。 单词详细讲解: sake作为名词,在表示“缘故、理由”时,常用于for someone's sake或for ...
【单词音标】 英[seɪk] 美[seɪk,ˈsɑːki] 【单词释义】 sake是什么意思: n.缘故;理由;利益,好处;目的;日本米酒 [单词等级] 大学英语四级词汇 [复数] sakes 【sake形近词/近似词】 bake v. 烤,烘烤 cake n.蛋糕 fake adj.虚假的;冒充的;伪造的 n.假货,贋品;冒充者 v.伪造;冒充;假装...
Let's suppose, for thesakeof argument (= in order to have a discussion) , that interest rates went up by 2%. 为了便于讨论,不妨设想利率提高了2%。 牛津词典 Do be careful, for goodness'sake. 千万要小心。 牛津词典 Oh, for heaven'ssake!
eriksson.blog.enorth.com.cn 10. And if he smite out his man-servant's tooth, or his maid-servant's tooth, he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake. 如果他打掉了奴隶的牙齿,也必须释放那奴隶,作为损失牙齿的赔偿。 www.jdtjy.com 1 2 3 4 5©...
; B。for the sake of/for sb.’s sake“ 为了某人的缘故”。 B。attend“ 出席, …www.31xuewei.com|基于4个网页 2. 看在老天爷的面上 ... ten dollars´worth of ice-cream 值十美元的冰淇淋 for heaven´s sake 看在老天爷的面上 for goodness´sake 看在上帝的份上 ... blog.sina....
You can also talk about, for example, art for art's sake or sport for sport's sake . sake的意思 e.g. Economic change for its own sake did not appeal to him... 经济变化本身对他并没有吸引力。 e.g. I just like car trips for their own sake. 我只是单纯地喜欢驾车旅行。 3. 看在...
and for ___'s sake (c. 1300, originally for God's sake), both probably are from Norse, as these forms have not been found in Old English. 展开全部 ▼ 例句和用法 1. You can do it. Please, for my sake. 这个你是能做的。求你了,就算为了我。 《牛津词典》 2. They stayed togethe...