日本坂田种苗公司(sakataseed)推出的家庭用蔬菜栽培工具箱,2009年4月10 日上市销售。这款新产品被命名为“厨房蔬菜箱 播种 …cn.j-cast.com|基于1 个网页 2. 坂田种苗 坂田种苗(SakataSeed)推出了抗病性强的小棵白菜种子“黄味小町”。 该种子是面向家庭菜园推出的F1品种(第一代杂交种子)。seed.aweb.com.cn...
1994年在巴西设立了SAKATA SEED DO BRASIL LTDA。加上,1996年泰国设立了SAKATA SIAM SEED,CO,LTD。从而进一步地把市场扩大到世界的每一个角落。 在世界这个广大市场里,SAKATA不断地为其培养着新的可能性和信赖感,将继续地为回报世界各国的热切期待而作不懈的努力和进取。 本企业品牌页面图文信息由 CN101398 整理...
日本坂田种苗株式会社(SAKATA SEED CORPORARTION,简称SAKATA)始创于1913年,目前公司已经109年的历史,其总公司位于日本横滨。1930年育成了世界上第一个重瓣矮牵牛,该品种的问世,使SAKATA在世界上一举成名。SAKATA于1987年日本东京上市。是亚洲最大的、集研究、生产、销售为一体的综合性公司,在蔬菜、花卉的新品种研发和...
Sakata Seed America.The article offers information on the variety of offerings from Sakata Seed America Inc. including watermelon, broccoli and pumpkin.EBSCO_AspAmerican Vegetable Grower
Sakata Seed Southern Africa introduces the new Conquistador II F1 hybrid cabbage variety Sakata is a world leader in breeding and producing vegetable and ornamental seed and vegetative cuttings. Sakata breeders around the world work diligently to develop varieties that offer superior performance and set...
Since 1913, Sakata Seed Corporation has lived our values of Quality, Reliability and Service to become a global leader in seed breeding and production. As industry innovators, our goal is to continuously develop vegetable and ornamental varieties that offer superior performance and set new standards ...
Sakata Seed America Goals Sakata’s sustainability efforts are guided by the change we wish to see in the world. We are committed to aligning our business practices to our values of ‘Service with Integrity to Earth and People.’ As part of our overall sustainability program, we have adopted...
Sakata is a world leader in breeding and producing vegetable and ornamental seed and vegetative cuttings. Sakata breeders around the world work diligently to de
Sakata Seed的按格雷厄姆估值计算公式计的上涨潜力于May 2020触及5年低点,是-56.8%。 Sakata Seed的按格雷厄姆估值计算公式计的上涨潜力于2020 (-56.8%, +1.5%)、2022 (-52.6%, +3.4%)和2024 (-38.0%, +65.8%)减少和于2021 (-50.9%, -10.5%)和2023 (-22.9%, -56.4%)增加。