Hi all, got any of these pushrod covers and pushrods laying around? For a damaged Saito .91 Sign up now to remove ads between posts Nov 07, 2022, 10:00 PM #2 zulg Registered User I have loads of saito parts, can you measure them for me?
Replacement Parts Optional Parts Key Features Same mounting dimensions as O.S. 91 Surpass 1.00-size in a .91-size case Overview Super-Sized Power for Your .60-Size Plane The FA-91 is one of the most popular selling engines in Saito's extensive line of four-strokes. The .91 fits perfect...
A 15x6 or 14x8 loads my SA100 down too much unless I hike the nitro percentage ($$$ in these parts). Feb 28, 2007, 10:34 PM #7 Red Raider Registered User The Saito 91 and 100 have different mounting bolt pattern and the 100 is slightly larger overall. I have found the 15...
For Sale Xray T2R pro $200.00 OBO HBJ069 RC Cars and Parts (FS/W) 0 Mar 06, 2011 02:07 PM For Sale Saito FA91S silent_guru Fuel Engines and Accessories (FS/W) 0 Sep 01, 2009 03:42 PM Saito FA91S NIB kasra Fuel RC Airplanes (FS/W) 5 Nov 30, 2003 07:56 PMCopyright...
I have for sale a Hangar 9 AT-6 Texan 60 size w Saito FA91 FS w Robart pneumatic retracts! 5000mah nimh onboard ignition, 4.8v 2500mah nimh for main, Hitec HS-425bb On ail x2, elevator, for and rudder. Hitec HS-322hd on throttle. Hitec HS-65mg on Robart ...
Sold Hangar 9 AT-6 Texan 60 size w Saito FA91 FS w Robart pneumatic retract Fuel RC Airplanes (FS/W)
ClassifiedsFuel Engines and Accessories (FS/W)SoldNice Saito FA-56 with 2 propellers and misc parts >>>CLICK HERE TO SEE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT SCAMMERS<<< This thread is privately moderated bynordby, who may elect to delete unwanted replies. Jun 13, 2023, 08:52 PM ...
I called Horizon to make sure I was ordering the right parts. The part came but there's no way they'll work. HH isn't sure what's going on. The gaskets are larger then the intake tube and just slide over the intake tube. Unable to find my calipers to measure at this moment but...