Boomstick: He's also fast enough to keep up with Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, who is, despite his redundant name, not just the speed of sound, but actually capable of reaching hypersonic speeds. Then he bit his sword into pieces because he was angry. He's also beaten almost everyone in one...
2. Pochi's close friend, brown-furred "John", nickname "Sonic Speed Harmonic Minor John", who is the other leader of Cerberus At this point, he (i.e. Pochi) goes on a tangent and gives a brief basic music theory lesson on Pentatonics and Harmonic Minors. Names mentioned: Yngwie,...
Speed-o-Sound Sonic: From Sonic's view, Saitama is his eternal rival and enemy, and the former constantly trains in order to become strong enough to defeat him. They met when Sonic was hired to kill Hammerhead's group, and, thinking Saitama was a member because of his baldness, Sonic ...