英汉医学词典 n.柴汤 与"Sairei-to"相近的词条 ...
网络柴苓汤 网络释义 1. 柴苓汤 日本有 一个源自中国宋朝《济生方》的汉方,叫柴苓汤(Saireito),内有柴胡、茯苓、半夏、厚朴、人参、黄苓、甘草、大枣 … koohealth.blogspot.com|基于4个网页
中文名 sairei-to 英文名 sairei-to 英文别名 sairei-to 您刚刚浏览过 sairei-to 刚刚更新的化工产品 77415-04-4 78715-28-3 77415-65-7 78715-60-3 774152-11-3 78715-65-8 78715-86-3 78719-73-0 77416-08-1 77202-22-3 78720-43-1 77806-32-7 77202-23-4 77806-76-9 77202-24-5...
1)Sairei-to柴苓汤 1.Nine diabetic cases with macular edema (12 eyes ) were treated with sairei-to.应用中药方剂柴苓汤对糖尿病黄斑水肿9例12眼进行治疗,3个月后的疗效观察提示,其视力障碍、视物变形自觉症状及眼底黄斑水肿、视网膜出血均有改善趋势,其中黄斑水肿改善率达58%。 2.In this review,it ha...
Herbal medicine "Sai-rei-to" (TJ-114) has been used for the treatment of swelling and edema for about 3000 years in China. Recently, this drug has been used by Japan's western medicine physicians as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This drug is believed...
Sairei-to is a traditional herbal medicine used to complement, and as an alternative to, Western drugs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetic interactions between Sairei-to and nifedipine (NFP), a substrate for CYP3A, in rats. NFP-oxidizing activity and the pharmacokinetics...
Sairei-to has been reported to inhibit granulation and fibroblast proliferation. We administered Sairei-to (9.0 g/day) to two 77-year-old men with repeated urethral stenosis after transurethral resection of prostate (TUR-P) and examined its clinical effects. Urethral stricture did not recur in ...
The present study therefore aimed at investigating the in rim effect of sairei-to on the mucociliary system in the tubotympanum of the guinea pig. Thirty healthy guinea pigs were used. Ten animals were treated with oral administration of physiologic saline solution for 14 successive days. The ...
Sai-rei-to, a type of Kampo medicine (Japanese herbal medicine), has been shown to be clinically effective in treating patients with otitis media with effusion. The effect of Sai-rei-to on the ion transport of the middle ear surface epithelium cultured from the Mongolian gerbil was investigate...
戊戌数据药品标准数据库提供了Saireito Extract日本药典标准的查询检索,包括Saireito Extract日本药典的版本JP15页码,以及药典的查询与下载.