本关刚开始要开车(友情提示:超车超速好像都能提升等级得到经验值)到军火店购买弹药.(可按TAB打开安卓手机的东西.按MAP可看地图.设定地点)之后驾车前往目标点(第一个路口会有两个敌人直接冲过去即可) 进入目标建筑之后注意上方有霰弹枪建议先打掉,之后到目标点外面会涌入敌人.注意多找掩体防守(霰弹枪较多,还有两个防...
A map editor? Yesterday at 4:35 PM Möyh Mäyh Saints Row: The Third Sub-forums Threads 33 Messages 1.1K Saints Row The Third JP Enabler v0.1 (セインツロウ ザ・サード 日本語化ツール) Feb 10, 2025 jacdhalina Saints Row: The Third - Remastered ...
Welcome to Santo Ileso, a vibrant fictional city in the American Southwest. In a world rife with crime, where lawless factions fight for power, a group of young friends embark on their own criminal venture, as they rise to the top in their bid to become
Saints Row: The Third: Keith Arem द्वारा निर्देशित. Burt Reynolds, Daniel Dae Kim, Hulk Hogan, Sasha Grey के साथ. After the Saints have transformed from a small town street gang to pop culture g
Industrial Map Pack NT$30.00 使用者也喜歡 顯示全部 Saints Row 2 NT$290.00+ Saints Row®: The Third™ NT$490.00+ Saints Row The Third Remastered NT$899.00 Saints Row IV: Re-Elected NT$540.00+ Bully: Scholarship Edition NT$990.00 Saints Row IV NT$1,090.00+ Saints Row: Gat out of Hel...
Saints Row The Third 3 The Full Package for Steam - Summer Sale bonus Order during the summer sale and get Saints Row 2 for free Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang...
The New Orleans Saints Podcast is at Super Bowl LIX Radio Row all week ahead of Sunday's game. On the podcast for Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, Erin Summers and Gus Kattengell are joined by Saints legends Jimmy Graham and Jake Delhomme, and ESPN broadcasters Kevin Negandhi, Mike Tannenbaum and...
Saints Row Update Overview: A Song of Ice and Dust DLC for Expansion Pass holders is out now and also available to buy separately The free Dustfire Update Patch launched in August is available for all players and includes: New Vallejo District added to the map ...
This is a great ending to the Saints Row series. The ridiculous fun of the series comes to a crescendo in this superhero romp. The game makes good use of the map from the previous game, with enough changes to keep it from seeming stale. Adding super powers speeds up the game-play and...
I wish they had stopped at SR2, if they weren't going to make a meaningful experience. They stopped the DLC on SR:TT, and decided to have it be the full-fledged bulk of SR:4. This does not bode well for us. Other Helpful Reviews for Saints Row: The Third...